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Like many unemployed people, Theresa got sucked into a spiral of debts.像许多失业人员一样,特里萨也债台高筑。The brother Ian had once hero-worshipped was now an unemployed drug addict.伊恩曾经非常崇拜的哥哥现在成了个无业的吸毒者。Norris had trouble finding work and is still unemployed.诺里斯找工作遇到麻烦,现在仍失业。I've got loads of friends who're unemployed.我有很多失业的朋友。Helen has joined the ranks of the unemployed.海伦已经成为失业大军中的一员。Worry and lack of money cramp the lives of the unemployed.焦虑和缺钱束缚着失业者的生活。Aged men and women are encouraged to leave work before normal retirement to release jobs for younger, unemployed people.老年男女受到鼓励在未到正常退休年限就离职,以将职位让给年龄较轻的失业人员。Her remarks showed a lack of sensitivity to the problems of the unemployed.她的话表明她对于失业者面临的种种问题无动于衷。I received housing benefit when I was unemployed.失业期间我领到了住房补助。The president has ordered a speed-up of aid for the unemployed.总统已下令加快对失业者实行救助。Being unemployed produces negative attitudes to work.失业会产生对工作的消极态度。People who are unemployed tend to feel devalued.失业的人往往觉得被人瞧不起。For the unemployed, temporary jobs can be a useful stepping stone.对于失业者来说,临时工作可能是块有用的铺路石。Most of the unemployed are not work-shy and genuinely do want jobs.大多数失业者并非懒惰,而是确实想要份工作。The unemployed need jobs, not government handouts!失业者需要工作,而不是政府的施舍!The unemployed stood at street corners, dejected.失业者纷纷沮丧地站在街角。The article implied that unemployed people are lazy and do not want to work.这篇文章言外之意是说,失业的人都很懒,不想工作。Being unemployed is such a waste of your talents.失业简直是埋没了你的才能。His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed.他失业后,经济问题更是雪上加霜。The cut in benefits for the unemployed is a classic case of blaming the victim.削减失业救济金是将责任推给利益受损者的典型例子。You're unemployed and in no position to support a family.你没有工作,没有能力养家。With Dave unemployed, we don't have much money coming in at the moment.戴夫失业了,我们目前没有多少收入。The committee's final report, just published, pours cold water on government proposals for helping the unemployed.委员会刚刚发表的年终报告,给政府对援助失业者的提议泼了一盆冷水。The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.失业者常常被说成懒惰或不可靠。Some unemployed people can be very difficult to place.有些失业的人很难安置。A job placement program exists to help those who are unemployed.就业安置计划是为了帮助那些失业者。The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been identified as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver.周三袭击事件中的枪手已被确认为李‧吉格斯,一个失业的卡车司机。The grants were intended to provide financial help to unemployed workers.这些资助款旨在向失业工人提供经济援助。The long-term unemployed now constitute a kind of underclass.如今长期失业人员形成了贫困阶层。The website targets unemployed youth.该网站针对的是失业青年。Many unemployed people are forced to reskill.许多失业的人被迫学习新技能。The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.政府凭空想出某个荒谬的计划,想通过它让失业青年重新找到工作。Each month thousands more swell the ranks of the unemployed.每个月都有数千人加入失业大军。Many unemployed people have fallen into the poverty trap.很多失业者都掉入了贫困陷阱。She registered as unemployed/disabled.她登记为失业人员/残障人士。Times are hard for the unemployed.失业者的日子很难熬。There is an element of compulsion in the new plan for the unemployed.新的失业方案有强迫的成分在里面。Have you been unemployed for a year or more?你失业有一年或一年以上了吗?She made a stirring campaign speech on improving the lot of the unemployed.她作了一次关于改善失业人员状况的激动人心的竞选演讲。There's nothing as depressing as living from day to day, as the unemployed are forced to do.没有什么比失业的人那样,被迫过一天算一天的更令人沮丧的了。 |