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More human remains have been unearthed in the north of the country.在该国北部挖出了更多的人类遗骨。An old document was unearthed from the files.从卷宗中发现了一份旧文件。The frauds have been unearthed by investigators working for the Camden and Islington Health Authority.这些欺诈行为已经被卡姆登和伊斯灵顿卫生局的调查人员揭发了。Investigators have unearthed evidence of fraud.调查人员已经找到了诈骗的证据。A private detective has unearthed some fresh evidence.一个私家侦探已经找到了新的证据。His research unearthed new information about the origins of the HIV virus.他的研究发现了有关艾滋病病毒起源的新信息。More human remains have been unearthed.又挖掘出了更多的人体遗骸。Scientists have unearthed a complete dinosaur skeleton in Montana.科学家在蒙大拿州出土了一具完整的恐龙骨骼化石。Treasure has been unearthed on his property.从他家地里挖出了财宝。Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children.调查人员已经发现了证明她对强制收养儿童事件负有责任的文件。While excavating the site, workers unearthed the remains of several dinosaurs.在挖土施工时,工人们挖掘出了几具恐龙遗骸。They unearthed evidence that he had accepted bribes.他们发现了他受贿的证据。Some historical relics were unearthed.数件历史文物被挖掘出来。He unearthed a rare early recording by Billie Holiday.他发现了一张珍贵的比利·霍利迪早期的唱片。United have unearthed a real talent in this young defender.联队发掘了这名天才的年轻后卫。Building at the site was halted after human remains were unearthed earlier this month.自从本月初在工地挖出人类遗骸之后,施工就停止了。He unearthed a monocle and screwed it into his eye.他挖出了一个单片眼镜,当即固定在眼睛上。We unearthed thousands of mushrooms and puffballs.我们挖出了上千个蘑菇和马勃菌。Lawyers unearthed evidence that he held several bank accounts.律师发现了他有几个银行账户的证据。The frauds have been unearthed by investigators working for the Camden and Islington Health Authority.这些欺诈行为已被卡姆登和伊斯灵顿卫生局的调查人员揭露了出来。More human remains have been unearthed in the north.北部又挖掘出了更多的人体遗骸。They unearthed a box buried under a tree.他们挖出了一个埋在树下的盒子。Investigators have unearthed new evidence about the possible cause of the crash.调查人员已发现可能造成失事原因的新证据。From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.他不知从什么地方翻出了一套黑色的丝绸衣服。The inquiry unearthed some disturbing evidence.那次调查发现了一些令人震惊的证据。 |