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词汇 underwent
例句 We both underwent a battery of tests.我们两个都作了一系列的检查。He underwent an expensive operation to give him back his sight.他为恢复视力花大钱做了手术。During her administration the country underwent a radical process of change.在她的任期内,国家经历了天翻地覆的变化。The engine underwent a complete overhaul.发动机已彻底检修过了。He underwent tests to assess his injuries.他接受了检测以评估伤情。He underwent minor surgery and recovered in a few days.他动了小手术,几天就康复了。Flintoff underwent surgery on a hernia two weeks ago.弗林托夫两星期前做了疝气手术。Mr. Clark underwent five hours of emergency surgery.克拉克先生接受了五个小时的急救外科手术。The country made/underwent a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy.这个国家实现/经历了从独裁到民主的和平转变。He underwent exploratory surgery. 他接受了探查手术。He underwent rehab to help him through his withdrawal from heroin.他借助康复治疗来戒除海洛因。The soldiers underwent training for three months before the unit went overseas.军队出国前,士兵先接受了三个月的训练。The bus driver underwent an operation on the stomach.那个公共汽车司机经受了一次胃部手术。The accused underwent examination by the Crown prosecutor.被告人受到检察官的审讯。Her father underwent a major operation last week.她父亲上周动了一次大手术。His opinions underwent a change.他的看法起了变化。His countenance underwent a sudden distortion.他的脸突然扭歪。He underwent excision of a sebaceous cyst.他做了皮脂囊肿切除手术。He underwent major surgery, including a colostomy.他接受了重大手术,包括结肠造口术。He underwent the surgical intervention on blood vessels of his left leg.他左腿的血管动过外科手术。The building underwent various transformations over the years.这座建筑在过去的岁月里经过了各种改建。He underwent hypnosis to treat his fear of water.他通过催眠来治疗自己对水的恐惧。I underwent aversion therapy for smoking.我为了戒烟而接受了厌恶疗法的治疗。Due to the melting of the glaciers, the biosphere for polar bears underwent a great change.由于冰山的融解,北极熊的生物圈也遭到摧毁。This once-confident man underwent a complete metamorphosis after his business failure.这个一向自信的人在生意破产后完全变成另一个人了。He underwent surgery to remove a blood clot.他接受手术,取出了血块。Part of Mrs Galley's right arm was shattered and she underwent a five-hour emergency operation.加利夫人右臂部分粉碎了,她接受了五个小时的急诊手术。She underwent a hip replacement. 她做了髋关节置换手术。He underwent major heart surgery recently.他最近做了心脏大手术。He underwent surgery to repair a torn ligament in his knee.他做手术修复了膝盖里撕裂的韧带。He underwent a personal transformation after his heart attack.得了心脏病之后,他完全变了个人。They underwent the rigors of military training.他们经历了艰苦的军事训练。The company underwent a massive upheaval after the takeover.收购之后该公司变动巨大。Keane underwent a hip operation last month.基恩上个月做了髋部手术。She underwent a liposuction surgery to restore her figure soon.为了快速恢复体态,她进行了皮下抽脂手术。He underwent orthodontic treatment.他做了牙齿矫正治疗。The patient underwent a brain scan.这位病人接受了一次脑部扫描。He underwent emergency surgery.他做了紧急手术。She underwent surgery to correct a heart malformation.她做了心脏矫形手术。She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.她在去年做了一次左肺肿瘤切除手术。




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