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词汇 bled
例句 The red first coat bled into the white.第一层红色渗入白色涂层。He almost bled to death after the bullet severed an artery.子弹打断他的一根动脉后,他险些因失血过多而死。He married her for her money and then bled her dry.他为了她的钱跟她结婚,然后把她榨干了。Despair bled all colour from his fantasies.绝望使他的幻想黯然失色。The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry.战争榨干了原本繁荣的亚美尼亚经济。There are some of us here who have bled for this cause.我们当中有些人曾经为这个事业抛洒热血。The ten-year war has bled the country dry.十年战争耗尽了该国的财力。The man almost bled to death. 那个男人差点因为失血过多而死亡。We bled air from the tank.我们放掉了气罐里的气。The knife severed an artery and he bled to death.刀子割断了动脉,他流血过多而死。He bled them for US$1,500.他向他们榨取一千五百美元。A powerful and corrupt elite has bled this country dry.该国专权腐败的权贵阶层榨干了人民的血汗。He bled all the oil from the engine before starting work.他在开始工作前抽干了发动机里所有的油。He bled to death after being stabbed repeatedly.他被连刺数刀后失血致死。The country has been bled white by a greedy dictator. 这个国家已经被贪婪的独裁者榨干了。The color bled when I washed the shirt.我洗的衬衫掉色了。She bled to death after being refused admittance to a white hospital.她被一家白人医院拒收后,失血过多而死。The knife blade nicked her ear and she bled profusely.刀片割到了她的耳朵,流了很多血。Her heart bled at her friend's death.她为友人的逝世而心碎。




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