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词汇 addict to
例句 People that are addicted to drugs get, er, help from the government one way or another.那些有毒瘾的人会,呃,以某种方式获得政府帮助。The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.对镇静药成瘾的人的治疗方法,包括培训压力管理和放松技术。Many of the women are addicted to heroin and cocaine.这些女人中很多人都吸食海洛因和可卡因成瘾了。Both parents were addicted to narcotics.父母都染上了毒瘾。Admitting that you are addicted to a drug is an important step toward recovery.承认自己有毒瘾是迈向戒毒的重要一步。They were evicted from their apartment after their mother became addicted to drugs.他们的母亲吸毒上瘾后,他们被从公寓里赶了出来。The program helps drug addicts to turn over a new leaf when they get out of jail.这项计划帮助吸毒成瘾者出狱后重新做人。Crane admits that he is addicted to gambling.克兰承认自己嗜赌成瘾。She was hopelessly addicted to tobacco.她不可救药地染上了烟瘾。My son's addicted to computer games - he hardly ever comes out of his room.我儿子沉迷于电脑游戏—他几乎不走出自己的房间。The children are addicted to video games.孩子们醉心于电视游戏。She's addicted to television.她是个电视迷。He's addicted to heroin/nicotine.他对海洛因/尼古丁上瘾了。Sady is addicted to collecting stamps.萨迪酷爱集邮。Some officials become too addicted to red tape.有些官员太热中于文牍主义了。She's addicted to soap operas.她迷上了肥皂剧。Jack became addicted to drugs at quite an early age.杰克很小年纪时就吸毒成瘾了。She's addicted to heroin.她吸食海洛因成瘾。Smith strongly denies reports in the popular press that he is addicted to cocaine.史密斯对通俗报纸上说他吸可卡因上瘾的报道极力予以否认。In extreme cases, babies can be born addicted to heroin.在极罕见的情况下婴儿可能生来就对海洛因上瘾。The book gave me an understanding of what it must be like to be addicted to drugs.这本书让我了解到染上毒瘾是怎么样的。He became addicted to pain medication.他对止痛药上了瘾。She was addicted to barbiturates.她对巴比妥类药物产生了依赖。She is addicted to television.她对电视入了迷。He was addicted to poetry and hoped one day to be a poet himself.他醉心于诗歌,希望有一天自己成为一个诗人。She has been addicted to sadomasochism ever since she was manhandled by her boyfriend.自从她被男友粗暴地对待之后,她就对虐恋上了瘾。She had become addicted to painkillers.她吃止痛药已经上瘾了。He is addicted to crack.他吸食强效可卡因成瘾。She had become addicted to golf.她已经对高尔夫球入了迷。The children of mothers who use crack or cocaine are often born addicted to the drug.如果母亲服用强效可卡因或可卡因,她们的孩子常常生下来就有毒瘾。




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