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词汇 sight
例句 Although people sometimes buy property sight unseen, it's a remarkably bad idea.尽管人们有时没看房就买了房,但这真是一个很糟糕的主意。Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd.然后他突然在人群中看见了她那顶小巧的黑色天鹅绒帽子。She shudders at the sight of a snake.她一见到蛇就惊恐万状。He's lost the sight of one eye.他一只眼睛已经失明。People came from the four corners of the earth to see the sight.世界各地的人们前来观看这一景象。The children whooped with joy at the sight of all the presents.孩子们一看到所有那些礼物便欢呼雀跃起来。The sight of blood sickened her.看见血使她恶心。Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her.杰茜卡看到了洛伊丝,就冲她挥手致意。She caught sight of an eagle gliding through the air.她看到一只鹰在空中翱翔。The arrival of the fresh medical supplies was a welcome sight for the beleaguered doctors working in the refugee camps.新医疗用品的到来深受难民营中已焦头烂额的医生们的欢迎。I faint at the sight of blood.我一见到血就晕。He brisked up his pace as the office building came in sight.他看到办公楼时加快了脚步。We watched his car as it rounded the bend and sped off out of sight.我们看着他的汽车转了弯,加速开走直至看不到了。The airplane is now out of sight.飞机现在已飞远看不见了。The old dog was a pathetic/sorry sight.那条老狗看上去挺可怜。Buffalo were once a common sight on the American plains.在美洲平原上,野牛曾经十分常见。Even if the fighting dies down, no answer is in sight to the political crisis.即使战争停止,目前也没有解决政治危机的办法。She didn't believe in grand passion or love at first sight.她不相信如火的激情或一见钟情。At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。Professor Wilkes lost his sight in an accident three years ago.威尔克斯教授在三年前的一场事故中丧失了视力。She watched until the car disappeared from sight.她一直看着这辆车,直到它在视线中消失。We ran to the bus stop when the bus came into sight.我们一见公共汽车驶来就奔向车站。She regained sight in her left eye.她的左眼视力恢复了。The fire was a cheerful sight on such a cold, dreary day.在这样寒冷、沉闷的日子里,看见火令人精神为之一振。The sight of them stirred him into action.一看到他们,他就行动起来了。The plane flew upwards and out of sight.飞机向上飞去,随即看不见了。Mom gasped in/with surprise at the sight of my sister's new haircut.妈妈看到妹妹的新发型时惊讶得倒抽了一口气。The ship soon got out of sight.那条船很快就看不见了。Doctors say there's a possibility that his sight can be restored.医生说他的视力有可能恢复。He put his eyes to the eyepieces of the binoculars and the Germans leapt into sight.他把眼睛贴近双筒望远镜,德国兵跃入了眼帘。Niagara Falls really is an awe-inspiring sight.尼亚加拉瀑布确实是一处令人叹为观止的风景。The pyramids at dawn were an awe-inspiring sight.黎明时分的金字塔看上去令人敬畏。He'd earn a darn sight more money there.他在那里会挣到多得多的钱。The sight of the dead body made them shudder.一看到死尸,他们就战栗起来。My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.看到展示的种类丰富的食物,我眼睛都瞪圆了。Her knees went weak at the sight of him.她一看见他腿就发软。By midnight, there wasn't a soul in sight.到了午夜,一个人影儿也看不到。A terrifying sight greeted my eyes.一个恐怖的景象呈现在我眼前。The car decelerated at the sight of the police car.那辆汽车一见警车就慢了下来。The officers were ordered to shoot on sight.警察接到命令一看到目标就开枪。




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