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词汇 ugly
例句 To anything but the architect's eye, the house is cheap and ugly.除了那个建筑师,在任何别人的眼光里,那房屋质量低劣,外形丑陋。The familiar spectre of drought and famine has reared its ugly head again.人们所熟悉的干旱和饥饿的凶兆已经再度出现。There was a problem which reared its ugly head about a week after she moved back in.她搬回来大约一周之后,一个问题又重新出现了。She makes me feel dowdy and ugly.她让我感觉自己又土又丑。I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly.我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。The other man was hideously ugly.另一个男人丑得吓人。She was a shy, ugly duckling of a child.她小时候是个羞怯的丑小鸭。There have been some ugly scenes.出现了一些恶性事件。Their old quarters were very ugly and confined.他们以前的住处很丑陋又狭窄。There was an ugly rasp in his voice.他说话时声音十分刺耳难听。It's such a depressing town - it's full of ugly, disused factories.小镇死气沉沉,全是废弃的丑陋厂房。The witch was hideously ugly.那个女巫丑得吓人。The friendly conversation threatened to turn ugly.友好的谈话有转变为争吵之势。We are, unfortunately, stuck with this huge, ugly building.不幸的是,我们只得接受这幢又大又丑的建筑。It's just plain ugly.这东西简直丑极了。That beauty once was an ugly duckling.那美女以前是个丑小鸭。It was an ugly scar that extended into his hairline.那条丑陋的伤疤一直延伸到他的发际线。Do you think its frame makes the picture look ugly?你认为这个画框使画难看吗?The house is an ugly duckling, but it has a lot of potential.那栋房子现在是个丑小鸭,但未来升值潜力很大。The scandal has shown us the ugly side of politics.这桩丑闻向我们展示了政治丑陋的一面。The ugly school uniforms were the bane of the students' lives.这种难看的校服让学生的生活很不愉快。The problem of drug-taking in sport has reared its ugly head again.体育界服用药物的现象再次出现。An ugly grimace twisted her face.她扮了个鬼脸,脸都扭曲了。The chick is ugly and almost reptilian in its appearance.这只小鸡长得很丑,看起来几乎像个爬行动物。Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷。That sort of language will only prime the pump for an ugly argument later.那种语言将只会在以后挑起一场令人不快的争辩。They avoided what could have been an ugly situation.他们避免了一场本可能会很糟糕的局面。Like many factories, it's a very ugly utilitarian building.和许多工厂一样,这是一座外表丑陋但很实用的建筑。The dog was just plain ugly.这只狗真是奇丑无比。Keep your ugly mug out of the photo.别让你那张丑脸上照片。That house is as ugly as sin.那房子难看死了。Most of the furniture is so ugly, you wouldn't give it house-room.大多数家具都很难看,你是不会要的。She was convinced that she was ugly and worthless.她确信自己很丑,并且一无是处。He could only avert his eyes; he had never seen such an ugly sight.他只能避开眼去;他从未见过如此丑恶的景象。There were ugly scenes outside the stadium.体育场外发生了暴力事件。His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.他嗜酒贪杯、狂妄自大且脾气暴躁,这常常使他在夜总会和人发生恶性斗殴。Things turned ugly.情况变得险恶起来。The room was bare except for a few pieces of ugly furniture.除了几件丑陋的家具外,房间里空空如也。Things could get/turn ugly. 事情可能会变得很糟糕。He managed to get his ugly mug on the telly.他设法让自己那张丑陋的脸上了电视。




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