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词汇 tugging
例句 Alice was tugging on a sweater.艾丽丝正在穿汗衫。She was nervously tugging on a lock of her hair.她当时正紧张地拽着一缕头发。The baby was tugging at his coat to show that he wanted to be picked up.宝宝在使劲拽他的衣服,表示他希望被抱起来。I looked around to see who was tugging at my sleeve.我四下张望,想知道是谁在拽我的袖子。Alexis was up in a flash, tugging on his arm.亚历克西斯一跃而起揪住了他的胳膊。He was tugging on the bridle quite strongly.他紧紧地抓住马缰。I felt someone tugging on/at my sleeve.我感到有人拽我的袖子。The baby was tugging at her coat to show that he wanted to be picked up.孩子在拽她的大衣,想让她把自己抱起来。He made a tugging movement, like you do if you're trying to bite through a thread.他用力一拽,就像想把线咬断时那样。Joe was tugging at her sleeve.乔在拽她的袖子。They would shamelessly entice buyers by tugging at their heartstrings.他们会厚颜无耻地使出情感招数来诱惑顾客购买。The little girl was tugging her mother's sleeve, trying to get her attention.那个小女孩在拉母亲的衣袖,想引起她注意。Can you feel the fish tugging on the line?你能感觉到鱼在钓线上挣扎吗?She kicked him, tugging his thick hair.她一边踢他,一边扯着他那浓密的头发。Susannah felt a hand tugging at her shirtsleeve.苏珊娜感觉有只手在拽她的衬衣袖子。Amos was tugging at the rope with all his might.阿莫斯拼命拉着绳子。




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