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Who's minding the store while the boss is away?老板不在的时候谁帮着看铺子?That store does not discount at all.那家铺子出售商品一概不打折扣。This is the second time I've been shortchanged in that shop.那家铺子少给我找头,这已经是第二次了。The store was in for difficult sledding.这家铺子肯定会生意难做了。The store is running in the black.这家铺子营业有盈余。Does this store sell women's apparel?这家铺子出售女服吗? They are sleeping in the carpenter's shop directly above.他们正在正上方的木匠铺子里睡觉。An informer told the police that the store was selling stolen goods.一个告密者向警方告发那家铺子在销售赃物。The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store.她的嫁妆钱都投到了母亲的铺子里。 |