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词汇 政治观点
例句 He was well-known for his extreme political views.他以极端的政治观点而著称。The poor woman was pulled to pieces. Her makeup, her accent, her political opinions; nothing escaped criticism.那个可怜的女人备受指摘;她的气质、她的口音、她的政治观点,没有一项不遭批评的。My political views concur with his.我的政治观点与他的一致。For years I've had his political views rammed down my throat.多少年来,他一直向我灌输他的政治观点He brushed away my views on politics.他不理会我的政治观点People's political beliefs are shaped by what they see in the papers.人们的政治观点受报纸的影响。His political views are the converse of mine.他的政治观点与我的相反。Her political views are way to the left/right. 她的政治观点过于开放/保守。Their political ideas have a lot of support on the ground.他们的政治观点得到公众广泛支持。He was sent to jail for his political views.他因所持政治观点被投入监狱。He got/was flamed for expressing a controversial political opinion on the Internet.他在网上发表了颇具争议的政治观点,因此有人写电子邮件辱骂他。His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left.他的政治观点遭到了左派的抨击。My kids used to scorn my politics as right-wing selfishness.我的子女以前老是鄙视我的政治观点是右翼的自私自利。He has extreme opinions when it comes to politics.他的政治观点偏激。He was lampooned for his short stature and political views.他因自己的矮小个头和政治观点而遭受嘲讽。There is a wide divergence of opinion between the parties.党派间存在着截然不同的政治观点The experience helped to change her political consciousness.这次经历有助于改变她的政治观点When will the Minister at the Department of the Environment stop making cheapjack political points?环境部部长什么时候才会停止提出卑劣的政治观点Their ideas fall at the furthest extremes of the political spectrum.他们的政治观点分别代表着政治光谱中的两个极端。Their political views represent the extremes within the party.他们的政治观点代表了党内的极端看法。He has some pretty antiquated opinions about politics.他的一些政治观点很过时。Her political views have not found favour in recent years.近年来,她的政治观点没有获得支持。His political views are slightly right of center. 他的政治观点是有一点保守。Her political views are slightly left of centre.她的政治观点属于中间稍稍偏左。He can come on very strong with his political views.他会言之凿凿地阐述自己的政治观点Politically, my parents are betwixt and between. They're neither liberal nor conservative in their views.我父母的政治观点中立,既不是自由党派也不是保守党派。His political views are directly opposed to mine.他的政治观点与我的截然相反。All citizens united regardless of their political complexion.所有公民不论其政治观点如何都团结起来了。It's not "left-wing or right-wing" - political opinion is a long continuum.这不是“左翼或右翼”的问题——政治观点是长期形成逐渐演变的。What is at issue is not the candidate's private life but her politics.那位候选人的私生活不是重点,她的政治观点才是关键。Teachers generally keep their views about politics hidden.老师一般都不表露自己的政治观点Her political opinions depend on which way the wind is blowing. 她的政治观点取决于当下的舆论导向。I assume her politics must be fairly conservative.我猜她的政治观点一定相当保守。His politics have moved sharply to the right.他的政治观点突然转向了右翼。Stephen's political views often weren't compatible with her own.斯蒂芬的政治观点经常和她自己的观点无法相容。The political idea at the heart of this is the primacy of the individual.其核心的政治观点就是把个人放在首位。We want to get away from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.我们想摒弃过时的教条主义和阶级对抗的政治观点Jack can really kill a conversation with his ideas on politics.杰克的政治观点真的会使谈话无法继续下去。His politics were also simple-minded.他的政治观点也很愚蠢。Disaffected young people are an ideal audience for his outrageous political opinions.心怀不满的年轻人是他那些无耻的政治观点的理想拥护者。




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