例句 |
Naomi seemed drawn inextricably into political action.内奥米似乎被扯进了政治行动,无法脱身。He tried to channel his anger into political activism.他竭力将自己的愤怒转移到政治行动主义中。We wonder how your religious beliefs would translate into political action.我们想知道你的宗教信仰怎么竟会转变成政治行动的。He knows ins and outs of every political move.他对每个政治行动的底细都很了解。I wonder how your religious beliefs would translate into political action.我不知道你的宗教信仰如何转化为政治行动。There needs to be joint political action to consolidate the gains of the elections.有必要采取联合政治行动来巩固选举上的收获。 |