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例句 Sugar is added in considerable quantities to most soft drinks.大部分软饮料中都加了很多的糖。His goal in the third minute of time added on sealed the match.他在比赛伤停补时阶段的第三分钟射进一球,决定了比赛的胜利。For tax purposes, your pension and earnings are added together.计算税款时,养老金和收入加在一起。The murders have given added urgency to the debate about violent crime.这些谋杀案使有关暴力犯罪的讨论更显紧迫。The elaborate costumes added a little spice to the performance.精心制作的服装给表演增添了一点趣味。I restored the deletion and added a citation.我还原了被删掉的内容,并补充了引文。These trees are valuable for autumn colour, fruits and flowers. Many have fragrance as an added bonus.这些树色彩缤纷,会结出果实或开出花朵,让秋天平添一分韵味。许多树还会散发芬芳。We just added all the numbers up and divided one by the other.我们只是将所有的数字相加并用一个除以另一个。I added more memory to my computer, but its performance didn't improve much.我给我的电脑加了内存,可是性能还是没有多少改善。I started eating healthier and added exercise to my daily routine/schedule.我开始注重饮食健康,并把锻炼列入每天的作息表中。Window boxes of tulips added a splash of colour / color to the street.窗台上一盒盒的郁金香为街道增添了一抹色彩。He added a little more water to thin the gravy.他又加了些水来稀释肉汤。War has now added to the misery of these starving people.如今战争令这些饥民的日子雪上加霜。She added a PS to say 'hi' to my brother.她加了一句附言向我兄弟问好。The CD-ROM gives the book added interest.只读光盘增加了人们对该书的兴趣。I must have added it up wrong, then.那我一定是加错了。They've added some feminine touches to the decor.他们给装潢增添了一些女性化的风格。Overcrowding has now been added to poor sanitary conditions.糟糕的公共卫生条件现又加上了过度拥挤。Local historical records can give history an added immediacy.当地的历史记录能将历史更真实地呈现在眼前。I've re-carpeted our bedroom and added fitted wardrobes.我重铺了卧室的地毯,又添置了定做的壁橱。The sounds of barking dogs and sirens added to the cacophony on the streets.狗叫声和警备声让街上更加嘈杂。Yeast is added to the milk to make it ferment.在牛奶中加入酵母使其发酵。The company is offering a special low price as an added incentive for new customers.这家公司给予新顾客特殊的低价格,作为一种额外优惠。The car has many added refinements such as a rear window defogger.这辆汽车有许多附加的新颖装置,如后窗除雾器。Buy a high-factor sun lotion, and wear a hat for added protection.买一瓶高系数防晒霜,再戴一顶帽子作为附加的防护措施。She added that she had in no way intended to offend anybody.她补充说道,她绝不是故意要冒犯任何人。I added ginger and cumin to give the rice a spicy flavour.我加了姜和小茴香使米饭有香辣味。The shoe has padding for added comfort.这款鞋带有衬垫,以增加舒适感。The Senate added numerous amendments to the bill.参议院将很多修正案加到这项议案中。Marcus added a healthy dose of scepticism to the discussion.马库斯为这次讨论增添了一些不无裨益的怀疑色彩。Blood feuds added to the local crime rate.家族血仇增加了当地的犯罪率。Yiddish is a dialect of German with a mixture of Polish and Hebrew added.意第绪语是一种德语方言,还混合了一点波兰语和希伯来语。The danger added spice to their romance.危险给他们的恋情增添了情趣。In my version of the story, I added some new material.我在讲述这个故事时加入了新的素材。Vitamins are added to the shampoo to nourish the hair.洗发液中添加维生素以滋养头发。Brass pans added a decorative touch to the plain brick wall.铜锅给单调的砖墙增加了些许装饰。The scene was clearly added for shock value.很明显该镜头是为了增添震撼力。The play has been added to their repertoire.这出戏已被加进他们的剧目单中。We're having a bedroom added on to the back of the house.我们准备在屋子后面加盖一间卧室。Education takes on an added importance at a time of economic uncertainty.在经济不稳定时期教育显示出格外重要的意义。




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