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The black clouds of economic chaos begin to shadow that country.经济混乱的乌云开始笼罩那个国家。Those black clouds are a sure sign of rain.那些乌云是肯定要下雨的迹象。I saw ominous black clouds swirling overhead.我看到不祥的黑云在头顶上卷动翻滚。The heavy black clouds had banked up from the western side of the bay.黑压压的乌云从海湾的西侧堆积起来。Those black clouds presage a storm.那乌云预示着暴风雨将要来临。The gathering black clouds bespeak a storm.乌云聚集预示暴风雨即将来临。A field of burning grass billowed thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.黑色浓烟从一块燃烧着的草地冒起,滚滚上升天际。 |