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Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree.墨西哥印第安人过去常用番木瓜树叶把难嚼的肉包起来。I want to wrap this meeting up as quickly as possible. I have another appointment in an hour.我想尽快结束这个会议,我一小时后还有一个约会。Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having to wrap up warm.孩子们非常喜欢不用裹着厚实的衣服在空气新鲜的户外嬉闹。Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.部长们一如既往地迫切想把他们的行动搞得神神秘秘的。Diana is taking the opportunity to wrap up the family presents.黛安娜利用这个机会将家人的礼物包起来。Remember to wrap up warmly on cold days.记得天冷时穿暖和些。He grabbed a towel to wrap round his waist.他抓起一块毛巾围在腰间。The wrapping machine was pre-set to wrap a given number of biscuits.包装机预设好可以包装一定数量的饼干。Icould hear my mother telling me to wrap up warm.我能听见母亲叫我穿暖和些。I need some tape and scissors to wrap the present.我需要一些胶带和一把剪刀包礼物。I've still got a few Christmas presents to wrap up.我还有一些圣诞礼物要包起来。We're hoping to wrap up the negotiations this week.我们希望本周结束谈判。There are still a few details to wrap up, but the project is substantially complete.还有一些细节需要完善,但是整个项目大体完成了。A few old raggedy quilts were used to wrap the kids up to keep them as warm as possible.用了几条破破烂烂的旧被子把孩子们包裹起来,使他们尽可能保暖。 |