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词汇 bill
例句 Michigan officials are planning to bill the federal government for the state's firefighting costs.密歇根州的官员们打算要求联邦政府支付该州的消防费用。He didn't flinch at paying the bill.他毫不犹豫地付了账。He's deliberately picking fault with the meal to get a reduction on the bill.为了少付账,他故意在饭菜上找碴儿。Eight resolutions were packaged into an omnibus bill.八个决议被合并成一个综合议案。A dispute has broken out between the Defence Ministry and the Treasury over who should pick up the bill for Britain's recent military operations.国防部和财政部在谁该为英国近期的军事行动买单这一问题上起了争执。Our parents footed the bill for the wedding.我们的父母亲为婚礼支付了费用。When we approached the till to settle up, he reduced our bill by 50 per cent.我们去收银台付款时,他给我们的账单打了对折。The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill.侍者把他们点的餐端了过来,格雷厄姆签了单。Parliament is still debating the bill.议会还在讨论这项法案。I called the phone company about the bill.我就话费账单的事给电话公司打了电话。I paid the bill but he neglected to give me a receipt.我付了帐单,但他忘了给我收据。If the bill doesn't seem right, maybe you should give them a call.如果账单不对,也许你应该打个电话给他们。We've just had a huge telephone bill.我们刚收到一张巨额电话费账单。The Senate wanted to vote on the bill before recess.参议院希望在休会期之前对议案进行表决。The fate of the bill in Congress will depend on Brady's powers of persuasion.那项提案在国会的命运要看布雷迪的说服力了。With the majority voting in favor, the bill has been passed into law. 由于大多数人投赞成票,这一议案已获通过并成为法规。The bill will be sent to you later under separate cover.账单稍后另函寄上。I had to pick through the rubbish to find my electricity bill.我不得不在垃圾堆里翻找我的电费缴费单。The government succeeded in getting the bill through.政府成功地使这项法案获得通过。The bill has reached the report stage.法案已经进入审议阶段。There is no question of the taxpayer picking up the bill for the party.要纳税人为该党买单是不可能的。Several senators are trying to block the passage of the bill.几位参议员试图阻止这项议案的通过。We need a fast car, and this one fits the bill.我们需要一辆速度快的汽车,这辆车正合要求。We switched to a different long-distance carrier to save money on our phone bill.为了节省电话费,我们换了一家长途电话公司。The bill was introduced by Representative Smith.这项法案是由众议员史密斯提出的。The bill has bipartisan support.这个议案得到两党共同的支持。If you don't deal with that bill quickly, they might stop your electricity.你如不赶快把账单付掉,他们可能切断你的电。My son ran up a huge phone bill.我儿子欠了一大笔电话费。They want to talk to you in connection with an unpaid tax bill.他们想和你谈谈一张未付税单的事。If they had been faced with the bill they'd have shut up shop and fled the country.他们要是看到这账单,早就关门歇业逃到国外去了。The bill passed the House but was defeated/rejected by the Senate.这个议案在众议院通过,但被参议院否决。You should be very careful before you go out on a limb against the bill.在你公开反对该法案之前,应该仔细考虑。The bill has been sent up to the Senate for a vote.议案已提交给参议院表决。The Senate added numerous amendments to the bill.参议院将很多修正案加到这项议案中。The couple sitting next to us made a big fuss about their bill.坐在我们旁边的那对夫妇为账单的事大吵大闹。He paid the telephone bill.他缴了电话费。When did the committee report the bill out?专门委员会是在什么时候将议案交回议会全体会议表决的?The President vetoed the bill.总统否决了这一提案。Do you have the bill of sale for the car?你有这辆汽车的销售凭据吗?This bill will give more power to local authorities.这项议案将给予地方政府更大的权力。




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