例句 |
The talks centred on bilateral trade.会谈的中心是双边贸易。At Yalta, Russia and Ukraine made progress in several aspects of their bilateral relations.在雅尔塔,俄罗斯与乌克兰在双边关系的几个方面取得进展。The bilateral agreement with the United States would give our forces access to nuclear ammunition.与美国的双边协议使我们的军队能够接触核武器。The two countries solved their territorial dispute through bilateral negotiations.两国通过双边会谈解决了领土争端。The President's decision has far more than a narrow, bilateral dimension.总统的决定远远超出狭隘的双边范围。They have been discussing various bilateral issues.他们一直在商讨各种双方共同的问题。Nothing emerged from the bilateral talks.双边会谈没有结果。 |