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词汇 to watch
例句 The characters are interesting to watch.这些角色看上去很有趣。The two men turned to watch the horses going round the track.那两个男人转身观看赛马沿赛道而行。We stood on the sidelines to watch the game.我们站在场外观看比赛。Finally they settled down to watch an old movie.最后他们坐下来看一部老片子。He raised himself up on one elbow to watch.他用一只胳膊肘支起身看。I tried to watch the news on TV, but I was too tired to stay awake.我想看电视新闻,可是累得无法睁开眼皮。I wanted to watch the film, but Dad made me do my homework.我想看这部电影,可爸爸一定要我做家庭作业。She tries to watch her weight. 她努力控制自己的体重。I always find wildlife programmes interesting to watch.我一直觉得介绍野生生物的节目看起来很有意思。He won't allow his children to watch television shows with objectionable language.他不允许孩子看带粗话的电视节目。The former leader now has to watch his successor unpicking what he strived so hard to achieve.这位前任领导现在不得不眼睁睁地看着他的继任者一点点地毁掉他辛苦开创的局面。Then we'd go home and cuddle up together to watch TV.然后我们就会回家,依偎在一起看电视。Don't let children play near water without an adult to watch them.没有大人照看,不要让小孩子在水边玩耍。It was annoying to watch them faffing around when a more direct response was required.需要直言相答时,看他们东拉西扯,真让人恼火。Predictably, a crowd gathered to watch the fire.不出所料,火灾现场聚集了一群人围观。I won't have any cake-I have to watch my weight.我不吃蛋糕,我要控制体重。I have to watch my figure.我得注意保持身材。Ifound it fascinating to watch the staff at work.我发现看员工们干活儿很有趣。Would you please stop talking. I'm trying to watch the movie.请不要说话,我想聚精会神地看电影。I went along to watch the ceremony, more out of curiosity than anything else.我跟着去看了典礼,与其说是为别的,不如说出于好奇。It was amusing to watch the trained elephants perform.观看受过训练的大象表演很有趣。The kids are allowed to watch two hours of television. After that, I turn off the set.孩子们只准看两小时电视节目。看完后,我会关掉电视。A good few people came to watch the game.有相当多的人来观看比赛。Hockey is a fast, exciting game to watch.冰球速度快,看起来很刺激。I'd stayed up late to watch the film.我熬夜看了那场电影。The kids are having their usual squabble over which TV show they're going to watch.孩子们照例又在为看哪个电视节目吵架了。Tourists gather every day to watch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.游客们每天都聚集在白金汉宫观看卫队换岗。When couples argue over which TV program to watch, the husband usually wins.每当夫妻对看什么电视节目发生争执时,通常都是丈夫赢。It made me uneasy and I resolved to watch him most closely.我很不放心,决定密切关注他。He called to them to watch out for the unexploded mine.他喊着告诉他们要提防尚未引爆的地雷。You'll have to watch next week to find out what happens.你下周务必仔细观察,看看会发生什么。She curled up on the sofa to watch TV.她蜷缩在沙发上看电视。They have a rookie on the team who is fun to watch.他们队里有个新手看着挺好玩的。Fans braved icy winds to watch the match.球迷们顶着刺骨的寒风观看比赛。We cracked a few cans of beer open and sat down to watch the game.我们开了几罐啤酒,坐下来看比赛。The people that come to watch the play are all those right-on left-wing sort of people.来看演出的都是那些有自由主义思想的左翼分子。Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV.即使日程安排很满,她也要抽出时间看电视。The children are not allowed to watch too much TV.不允许孩子们看太多电视。They stayed up all night to watch the game.他们整晚没睡看比赛。It is devastating for a parent to watch a child go through misery.看着孩子受罪,当父母的会心碎的。




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