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词汇 tow
例句 The car in front of us is on tow - that's why we're going so slowly.我们前面的那辆车是被拖着走的——所以我们的车开得这么慢。She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow.她来参加聚会时带着一个高个的银发男子。Police or traffic wardens can tow away vehicles parked illegally.警察或者交通管理员可以拖走违法停放的车辆。See how stupidly they kow-tow to persons higher in the hierarchy.瞧他们对上级唯命是从的样子是多么愚蠢啊。My car broke down; can you give me a tow?我的车抛锚了,你能让我把车挂在你的车后面拖行吗? I couldn't find a parking meter, so I decided to park illegally and risk a tow-away.我找不到停车收费器,所以我决定冒着车子被拖走的危险违章停放。A truck driver gave me a tow to the nearest garage.一个卡车司机把我的车拖到了最近的汽车修理厂。He turned up at my office with two lawyers in tow.他出现在我的办公室,身后跟着两名律师。The tow's broken off!被拖车辆已经松脱了。Can you imagine how she must have felt when Mary Brent turned up with me in tow?.你能想象得到她看见我和玛丽·布伦特出双入对时有何感受吗?Hannah arrived with her four kids in tow.汉娜到了,后面跟着她的四个孩子。She had a reporter and a photographer in tow.她手下有一个记者和一个摄影师。A Samaritan called a tow truck for us.一位好心人为我们叫了一辆拖车。The damaged ship was brought into the harbor under tow.受损的轮船被拖进了港口。The truck used a cable to tow the automobile.卡车用缆索拖曳汽车。The girl was clinging to a tow rope, hanging on for dear life as it tugged her up the slope.女孩拼了命地紧紧抓住拖索,被拉上斜坡。A woman with a child in tow boarded a bus.一个带着孩子的妇女上了公共汽车。My car broke down but luckily someone gave me a tow.我的车抛了锚,但幸亏有人让我把车挂在他车后拖行。He had been using the vehicle to tow his work trailer.他一直用这辆车牵引他的活动工作室。The truck used a cable to tow the car.卡车用缆索拖曳汽车。They gave us a tow to the nearest garage.他们帮我们把车拖到最近的修车厂。They threatened to tow away my car.他们威胁要拖走我的车。The tourists were taken in tow by a friendly guide.游客们跟随在一位友好的导游后面。She'd got several admirers in tow.她有几个爱慕者追随在她的左右。He called for a tow to the nearest garage.他打电话要求把车拖到最近的修车厂。The string is made of tow.这细绳是由短麻屑纺成的。The barge was already on tow behind the ship.驳船已经被拖带在轮船后面了。There she was on my doorstep with child in tow.她就站在我家门口,身后还跟着个孩子。The yacht sank while under tow.那艘快艇在被拖带的过程中沉没了。I can give you a tow if you want.如果你愿意,我可以拖带你的车。Our car doesn't have enough power to tow a trailer.我们的轿车功率不够大,拖不动拖车。When my car broke down, a police car gave me a tow to the nearest garage.我的车抛锚后,一辆警车把我的车拖至最近的汽车维修站。Alice went marching off with her husband and kids in tow.艾丽斯出发了,后面跟着她的丈夫和孩子。They used the tractor as a tow.他们用这辆拖拉机当拖车。The ship, whose engine had failed, is now safely under tow.引擎失灵的船正被安全地拖着走。




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