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词汇 touch up
例句 She quickly touched up her lipstick.她很快地补了点唇膏。The photograph has been touched up.这张照片是经过修饰的。She touched up her lipstick and brushed her hair.她补了补唇膏,梳了梳头发。The speech he finally gave had been touched up by his staff.他最后所作的演讲经过了手下的润色。She touched up her lipstick in the mirror.她对着镜子补了补口红。The photograph had obviously been touched up.很明显,这张照片被修饰过。I wish she wouldn't touch up so much.我希望她不要这样浓妆艳抹。You need to touch up the poem.你需要给这首诗润色一下。The photograph has been touched up to conceal her scar.照片已经过修饰以掩盖她的伤疤。We thought the photo had probably been touched up, because he looked so much younger in it.我们觉得照片很可能修饰过,因为他在照片中看起来要年轻得多。I stumbled into the loo, touched up my make-up, fluffed up my hair.我踉跄着跑进洗手间,补了补妆,拍松了头发。




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