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例句 Of course, tax cuts are usually popular with (the) voters.当然,减税通常会很受选民们欢迎。There are discos and clubs but these are often closed out of season.那里有迪斯科舞厅和夜总会,但是通常只在度假旺季营业。Students on the full-time course of study are usually sponsored.全日制学生通常都得到资助。Strenuous exercise can often do more harm than good.激烈运动通常弊大于利。I usually stir a generous quantity of rum into the cake mixture.通常在蛋糕混合料中拌入大量的朗姆酒。Martha generally breakfasted on a cup of coffee and one slice of unbuttered toast.通常情况下,玛莎早餐时喝一杯咖啡,再吃一片不涂黄油的烤面包。In a straight fight the army usually won.在面对面的硬拼中,陆军通常会赢。The forest is, for the most part, dark and wet.森林通常黑暗而潮湿。John is usually cheerful; sometimes, again, he is despondent.通常,约翰有一副乐天派的好脾气,但有时也会低沉沮丧。Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies.法律援助机构通常可以帮助引荐到其他类型的机构去。They usually eat out on Sundays.星期天他们通常上馆子吃饭。Men's sexual fantasies often have little to do with their sexual desire.男性的性幻想通常和他们的性欲没什么关系。Children who suffer from personality disorders often receive little or no treatment until it's too late.患有人格障碍的儿童通常都很少得到或者完全得不到治疗,等到要补救则为时已晚。The weeks after Christmas are usually fairly slow in most shops.圣诞节后的几个星期大多数商店的生意通常都很清淡。People usually connect clowns with the circus.人们通常把小丑与马戏团联系在一起。Your work has dropped below its usual high standard.你的工作已低于通常的高水准。Do you usually wear your skirts above or below the knee?通常穿露膝裙还是过膝裙?Older people are less accident-prone than we customarily think.年纪大一些的人出意外的比率不像我们通常想像的那么高。It usually means going hat in hand and asking friends and relatives for money.通常意味着卑躬屈膝地向朋友和亲戚要钱。We usually have quite a jolly time at Christmas.我们通常会在圣诞节度过一段愉快的时光。She usually says she'll be there and then cries off at the last minute.通常都说会去,而最后关头又改变主意。Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering.英国的亚裔年轻人通常被吸引到医学、法律及工程专业。Politicians usually attract younger women, dare I say it, because of the status they have in society.恕我直言,由于政客的社会地位,他们通常容易吸引一些年轻的女性。Our cat usually stays out at night.我们家的猫通常在外面过夜。The stew normally tastes better with a pinch or two of dried herbs.炖煮的菜肴里加一两撮干香草通常味道会更佳。Samuel Clemens, known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.塞缪尔·克莱门斯,通常叫作马克·吐温,成了著名的美国作家。The young seedlings are usually wintered in a cold frame.幼苗通常会放在冷床里越冬。The procedure is usually carried out under anaesthetic.整个过程通常在麻醉状态下进行。In summer, they usually stay in their chateau by the ocean.他们通常在海边的别墅里消夏。They usually have four lessons in the morning.上午他们通常有四堂课。Deer usually conceive in November.鹿通常在十一月份怀胎。The drug is normally given by injection.这种药通常是要注射的。With one last clasp of his hand, she left him and went to her usual chair.她最后一次紧握了一下他的手,然后离开他,向自己通常坐的椅子走去。Coloring differentiates the sexes in many birds.鸟的雌雄通常可就其颜色予以区分。Often the dividing line is blurred.区别通常是模糊的。Coins are usually round and flat.硬币通常都是扁圆形的。"Do you cook your own meals in the evenings?" "Usually."“你们晚上自己做饭吗?”“通常是的。”The town is off the usual tourist route.这个小镇不是游客通常去的地方。It was common practice for prisoners to carve objects from animal bones to pass the time.犯人通常都会用动物骨头雕刻东西以打发时间。Allopathic medicine is what most of us encounter when we go to the doctor.医生给我们开的通常是对抗性药物。




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