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词汇 touched
例句 The flowers on the dining table touched the place with spring and youth.餐桌上的花给饭厅增添了一点春色和青春的气息。He got shocked when he touched the wire.他在触碰电线时受到电击。I'm afraid you had touched a nerve when you mentioned his dead wife, and his face darkened.你提到他死去的妻子的时候,恐怕触起了他的伤心事,所以他的脸色阴沉下来。Something she said to him must have hit/struck/touched a nerve. I've never seen him so angry.她对他说的话一定是碰到了他的痛处。我从没见他那么生气。She made sure that she touched all the bases in her report.她确保自己在报告中把问题的各个方面都谈到了。He touched the ball down under the posts.他持球在对方球门柱下触地得分。A little hand crept across the table and touched my arm.一只小手从桌子对面伸过来碰了碰我的手臂。She touched a raw nerve when she mentioned that job he didn't get.她提到那份他没有得到的工作,触到了他的痛处。We haven't touched the money in our savings account.我们还没动用我们的储蓄。She gave a little shudder when she touched his clammy hand.摸到他湿冷的手时,她微微一颤。He was touched by her care and concern.他被她的关爱打动了。The story touched me very deeply.这个故事深深打动了我。The thong touched the horse's neck.鞭梢触到了马的颈部。She touched his cheek gently with her fingertips.她用指尖轻轻地触摸他的脸颊。We were deeply touched by his single-minded devotion to world peace.他一心一意为世界和平作贡献,这使我们深受感动。Seeing his face, Joanne realized she'd touched a raw nerve.看到他的脸色,乔安娜意识到她触到了他的痛处。The mere mention of John had touched a very raw nerve indeed.一提到约翰就让人非常心痛。Eric was touched by her concern.埃里克很感激她的关心。She hasn't touched a single crumb of her dinner.她一口饭都没吃。The judge's verdict touched off riots throughout the city.法官的裁决激起了全城的骚乱。If you're not touched by this film, you've no soul.如果这部电影没有打动你,你简直是冷血动物。His criticism touched me on the raw.他的批评触及了我的痛处。In his talk he touched on/upon the state of affairs in Latin America.谈话中他提到了拉丁美洲的局势。Joe touched the screen with his finger.乔用手指点了下屏幕。The painter touched the canvas with his brush.那个画家用画笔在画布上作画。They sat so close that their heads nearly touched.他们坐得那么近,头都差不多碰到一起了。The man touched the peak of his cap.那名男子摸了摸他的帽舌。When his head touched the pillow he was away.他头一碰到枕头就进入睡乡。This unexpected kindness touched her deeply.这意想不到的体贴深深打动了她。Just thinking about the way he had touched her made her skin crawl.只要一想他触摸她的方式,就让她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。She touched the handkerchief to her nose.她把手帕贴着鼻子。This tomb was the only one that wasn't touched.这座坟墓是唯一没人动过的。The raid touched off angry protests.袭击引起了愤怒的抗议。She touched him gently on the arm.她轻轻碰了碰他的胳膊。He scored the first time he touched the ball.他第一次触球就得分了。Luke tensed when she touched him.当她触摸卢克时,卢克变得紧张起来。John was touched by the warmth of their welcome.约翰被他们的热烈欢迎而感动。We touched many topics in our talk.我们在会谈中触及许多问题。I walked across the carpet and then got a shock when I touched the metal doorknob.我走过地毯去摸金属门把手时触电了。He hardly touched the ball during the game.他在整场比赛中几乎没碰到球。




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