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例句 John is never a blower.约翰从来就不是个吹牛家。The disease is invariably fatal.这种病从来都是致命的。You never did like John, did you?从来就没有喜欢过约翰,是吗?Very few parties in government ever want to implement major political reform.政府内部从来都很少有党派想实行大规模的政治改革。I never listen to office gossip.从来就不听办公室里的闲言The colour of our skin has never mattered.肤色从来都不重要。She was extremely thin, with thighs that never rub together.她非常瘦,两条大腿从来碰不到一起。I've never liked her and I never shall.从来都不喜欢她,以后也不会。I never intended to hurt you.从来都没想伤害你。It was an outfit that I had bought on impulse, and never worn.这是我一时冲动买的一套服装,从来没穿过。In the real world, things are never quite so simple.现实生活中事情从来都不是那么简单的。She'd never felt the need to carry the banner of feminism.从来都不觉得有必要举着女权主义的旗帜。She was always elegantly dressed and absolutely immaculate.她的打扮从来都是高雅整洁、一丝不苟。This company has never been friendly to change.这家公司从来不赞成变化。I've never been able to carry a tune.从来都找不准调子。I'd never heard of him before he won the prize.他获奖之前我从来没听说过他。My mother could never resist expensive perfumes.我母亲从来都抵挡不住昂贵香水的诱惑。There are never any taxis plying for trade/hire in our area.我们这一地区从来都没有出租车在这里候客。It is nonsense to say that mistakes are never made.从来不犯错误这种说法真荒唐。I never had a long-term relationship as I wasn't good enough, or interesting or amenable enough.因为我不够优秀,不够有趣或者不够亲切,所以恋爱关系从来都维持不长。I've never been able to stomach seafood.从来都吃不了海鲜。He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.从来就不愚笨,而是一直博学多才、见多识广。I've suggested that she should move on numerous occasions, but she never takes any notice.我曾无数次提出她应该搬家,可是她从来不肯听。Milligan's anarchic humour has always had the power to offend as well as entertain.米里根幽默起来从来是毫无顾忌,让人既生气又好笑。He was never really healthy.从来就没有真正健康过。There discrimination was built into system from the start.在那里种族歧视从来就是根深蒂固的。The British sci-fi film has never matched up to its American counterpart.英国的科幻电影从来就没有美国的好。I never bought into this idea that you have to be thin to be attractive.从来就不信这种瘦才会漂亮的说法。As soon as you start to talk about never having played on a losing side, it is tempting fate.你刚说从来没输过,晦气就来了。I have never agreed with animal experimentation.从来都不赞成用动物做试验。She can never remember her dreams upon waking.她醒来后从来记不住自己做的梦。You always were a good friend.从来都是我的好朋友。None of her kids ever help with the housework.她的小孩从来没有一个帮忙做家务。I can never sleep on airplanes.我在飞机上从来睡不着。Nothing exciting ever happens in this place!这地方从来都不会有叫人激动的事情发生!He never could hold down a job.从来都保不住自己的工作。Neither nation is renowned for turning the other cheek.两个国家从来都不是打不还手的。Mary has always hated parties, never being one to thrust herself forward.玛丽一向讨厌聚会,她从来都不是个想出头露面的人。Sullivan never misses a chance to slam the tobacco industry.沙利文从来不会错过抨击烟草工业的机会。!Clear out all the clothes you never wear, and give them to charity.把你从来都不穿的衣服都整理出来捐给慈善机构。




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