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词汇 to take care of
例句 He sees it as his duty to take care of the lost sheep of the world.他视照顾尘世间迷途的羔羊为己任。I've been hopping all day, trying to take care of the kids.为了照料好孩子,我一天到晚忙进忙出。Better devices are needed in many countries to take care of the waste from factories.很多国家需要更先进的装置来处理工业废物。We thought it our duty to take care of the orphans.我们认为照顾这些孤儿是我们的职责。Even today a man who stays at home to take care of the children is regarded as something of an oddity.即便在今天,人们仍然认为一个大男人呆在家里照看小孩是件怪事。Jonathon has no idea what it means to take care of a baby all day long.乔纳森根本不知道,整天看护一个婴儿意味着什么。He's counting on his mother to take care of the twins for him; she's had plenty of experience with them.他靠母亲帮忙照顾他的双胞胎;她在这方面很有经验。I'll leave you to take care of the refreshments.我要把准备茶点的事交给你负责。I'm sorry I can't help you, as I have two valetudinarians at home to take care of.很抱歉我帮不了你,因我家中有两个病弱的人需要照顾。He hired a gardener to take care of his estate.他雇了一名园丁照料他的庄园。I've got plenty things to take care of.我有许多事要处理。There was no one else to take care of their children.没有别人可以照料他们的孩子。I need someone dependable to take care of the children while I'm at work.我上班的时候需要有一个可靠的人来照顾孩子们。He is well able to take care of himself.他完全有能力照顾自己。She ran out on him two months ago, leaving him to take care of their two children.她在两个月前突然离开了他,把两个孩子丢给他一个人照顾。I've been taking care of other people for too long. It's time for me to take care of number one.我照顾别人太久了,到了该考虑自己的时候了。It is normal for a mother to want to take care of her own baby.母亲想要照看自己的宝宝很正常。The children of overprotective parents often do not develop the skills they need to take care of themselves when they leave home.受父母过度保护的孩子常常不能发展出离家时所需的保护自己的技能。Her son is disabled and she has to take care of him all the time.她儿子有残疾,她只好整天照料他。She is not physically able to take care of herself.她身体不好,不能照顾自己。He had promised rashly to take care of the farm for her.他轻率地答应了替她照料农场。It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete stranger to take care of his luggage.他让一个完全陌生的人帮自己照看行李,这未免也太天真了。In the book, Anna is forced to take care of her witless cousin.这本书中,安被迫照顾她没脑子的侄子。Who's going to take care of things while you're away?你不在时谁来负责?The coach told Jim to take care of the opposing centre forward.教练员叫吉姆盯住对方球队的中锋。My mother was left with 3 children to take care of.只剩下我母亲和三个需要照料的孩子。It was sweet of her to take care of them.她照顾他们,真是好心呀。I had to leave work early because I had some personal matters/problems/issues to take care of.因为有一些个人问题要处理,我只好提前下班了。She had no option but to quit her job in order to take care of her child.为了照顾孩子,她别无选择,只好辞职。Your granny is going to take care of you today.你外婆今天来照顾你。It's no good asking her to take care of the children - she's away with the fairies most of the time.她这人有点儿怪,让她照顾孩子不好。He offered to take care of the bill.他提出由他买单。He had other people to take care of besides me.除我之外,他还要照顾别人。They are doing everything possible to take care of you.他们在尽一切可能照料你。She asked him with her dying breath to take care of her child.她临终前请求他照顾她的孩子。Women used to stay at home to take care of the children, but that's no longer the norm.过去妇女常常待在家中照顾孩子,但现在这已不再是常态。Refrigeration and canning facilities are growing to take care of surplus seasonal foods.冰冻和装罐设备正在不断增多,以便保藏多余的季节性食物。He was delegated by the town to take care of the monument.他被镇政府选派去看护这个历史遗迹。He left his job to take care of his sick wife.他辞去了工作,以便照顾生病的妻子。They had many rats to take care of in cleaning up the storehouse.在仓库的大扫除中,有许多老鼠要他们去消灭。




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