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词汇 candidate
例句 A candidate's character and qualifications are more important than past experience.候选人的品质和资格比过去的经验更重要。He eventually withdrew in favour of Blair, thought to be the more popular candidate.他最终转而支持布莱尔这位被认为是更受欢迎的候选人。He is seen as the candidate least able to unite the party.他被认为是最没有能力团结政党的候选人。They joined together to beat the drum for their candidate.他们合力为他们的候选人造势。I think Reid is definitely the best candidate.我认为里德肯定是最佳的候选人。At one point he had seemed a likely candidate to become Prime Minister.他一度看上去像一个合适的首相人选。This is a prime candidate for best movie of the year.这是年度最佳电影的最佳候选片。I agree that the press is often too nosy about a candidate's personal history.的确,媒体常常过分关注候选人的个人经历。The candidate cinched the nomination by winning the major primary elections.这位候选人在赢得了几场重要的初选后稳获提名。She stood as the candidate for Hackney East.她是代表东哈克尼区的候选人。He decided to follow the example of his one-time political mentor, Nixon, and make himself a more appealing candidate.他决定效仿曾是他政治导师的尼克松,要让自己成为一个更加讨人喜欢的候选人。I cast my vote for the Republican/Democratic candidate.我投了共和党/民主党候选人的票。His name crops up frequently as a potential candidate.作为一名潜在的候选人,他的名字被频繁提起。This latest election promise might just swing the balance in the candidate's favour.最近作出的这一选举承诺可能会对选民抉择起到决定性的作用。The Republican candidate was handicapped by his heavy schedule.那个共和党候选人被排得满满的日程妨碍了。So you want to talk to them, identify that they are a candidate, and then give them the test all at the same time?那么你是想和他们谈谈,确认他们是候选人,然后对他们同时进行测试?She is a good candidate for laser surgery. 她适合做激光手术。Neither candidate won a working majority.两位候选人都未能赢得有效的多数票。What is at issue is not the candidate's private life but her politics.那位候选人的私生活不是重点,她的政治观点才是关键。Voters would baulk if either candidate made such a proposal.如果任意一个候选人有这样一个提议,投票人就会犹豫不决了。We automatically turn down any candidate who makes spelling mistakes in their job application.对求职信中有拼写错误的应征者,我们都不假思索地回绝了。Our son is a candidate for the Player of the Year award.我们儿子是年度最佳球员的候选人之一。Her paper qualifications make her a good candidate, but do you think she has the right personality for the job?她持有资格证书,是个不错的人选,但你认为她的性格适合做这份工作吗?The election is going to come down to which candidate seems most trustworthy to the voters. 此次选举归根结底是要看哪位候选人最受选民信赖。Which candidate are you for?你支持哪位候选人?As a candidate, he held forth the promise of a bright future.作为一个候选人,他许诺带来一个光明的前途。Supporters held a rally for the candidate.支持者举行集会支持候选人。You should vote for which candidate you think best.你应投票选举你最中意的那个候选人。He's been nominated by the Green Party as their candidate in the next election.他被绿党提名为下届选举的候选人。Each candidate almost always refrained from challenging the other on the accuracy of the other's contentions.每个候选人对于他人提出的论点是否正确,几乎总是抱克制态度,不加指责。He stood as the party's candidate in the election.他作为该党的候选人参加竞选。She's one of the political hirelings who run the candidate's campaign.她是那些受雇操纵候选人竞选的政治黑手之一。The candidate conceded that he had lost the election.这位候选人承认他已经在竞选中失败。The Republican candidate carried Texas and other Southern states.共和党的候选人获得了得克萨斯州和南方其他一些州的多数票。She was affirmed as a candidate.她被确认为候选人。He became a candidate for the vice presidency.他成为副总统的候选人。I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral.口试后,我私下里与那位考生谈了谈。There's been a late surge of support for an independent candidate.最近一位无党派候选人的支持率直线上升。Was he the Democratic answer to the Republican candidate?他是民主党方面提出来与共和党候选人匹敌的人物吗?King William's proposal of his relative as candidate for the throne of Spain.威廉国王让其亲戚做西班牙王位候选人的提议。




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