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词汇 to suffer
例句 All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.所有的孩子和他们的父母及兄弟姐妹分开后往往都会难过。Women who eat plenty of fresh vegetables are far less likely to suffer anxiety or depression.吃新鲜蔬菜多的女性患焦虑症或抑郁症的几率要小很多。This is a system in which the rich are cared for and the poor are left to suffer.在这种制度之下,富人备受关照而穷人却受苦受难。I'm sorry that you have to suffer alone like this.你这样独自一人受苦,我很难过。Despite his strong constitution, his health was beginning to suffer.他尽管身体很强壮,健康还是开始出现了问题。He was working so hard that his health began to suffer. 他工作太辛苦,身体开始出现了问题。She began to suffer from poor digestion as she grew older.她上了年纪,开始出现消化不良的问题。Poor people have to suffer a lot of red tape to get welfare.穷人必须忍受一大堆繁琐的手续才能申请到社会福利。My sister's been hitting the bottle a lot lately and her work is starting to suffer.我姐姐近来一直酗酒,她的工作已开始受到了影响。Higher up we began to suffer from lack of oxygen.爬得更高后,我们开始因缺氧而感到难受。Premature babies are more likely to suffer from breathing difficulties in childhood.早产儿在童年更有可能出现呼吸障碍。I'm worried and my work is beginning to suffer.我忧心忡忡,工作开始受到影响。No child deserves to suffer for a parent's mistakes.孩子不应该因父母的错误而受苦。No one should have to suffer such degrading treatment.任何人都不应该受到如此侮辱性的对待。The team had to suffer the indignity of being booed by their own supporters.这支队伍不得不承受被自己支持者喝倒彩的羞辱。Eventually even their economic predominance was to suffer.最终,甚至连他们在经济上的主导地位也会受损。Many religions teach that man is predestined to suffer.许多宗教都宣称人类注定要受苦。She described the degradations she had been forced to suffer.她描述了自己被迫经受的屈辱。I can not tolerate to suffer the loss of 1% of the profit.我不能容忍把百分之一的利润损失掉。He remembers all the indignities he had to suffer in the early years of his career.他记得事业初期他被迫承受的所有白眼。The poor and disadvantaged will, regrettably, be the ones to suffer as a result of the new law.遗憾的是,穷人和弱势群体将成为新法律的牺牲品。Outsiders will continue to suffer the most blatant discrimination.外来人员会继续受到最露骨的歧视。She was willing to suffer, sacrifice, and work for success.为了成功,她愿意吃苦,做出牺牲,勤奋工作。People who are grossly overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.严重超重的人更有可能患高血压。In college, Durban began to suffer from headaches and pain in his arms and legs上大学时,杜尔班开始头痛以及四肢疼痛。The traffic menace grew, and the town began to suffer.交通危险增加,镇子开始受到不利的影响。He was forced to suffer the degradations of poverty and abuse.他不得不过着穷困潦倒、受人欺辱的生活。They were just expected to suffer in silence.他们被认为就应该默默忍受。He is not a man to suffer insult.他可是个不容侮辱的人。It was her lot to suffer through life.她命该一辈子受苦。You don't have to suffer in silence. 你没必要把苦闷都埋在心里。Children can be made to suffer when they fail to match their parents' expectations.孩子不能达到父母的期望值时,有可能会吃苦头。Niwano's business began to suffer from neglect.尼瓦诺的生意因为疏于管理而开始出现问题。If the teacher feels under par, the children are likely to suffer.如果老师感觉不在状态,孩子们就有可能遭罪。Now Martin has begun to suffer the effects of AIDS, and he says his time is running out.现在马丁开始遭受艾滋病的折磨,他说他的生命就要走到尽头。There's no justice in the world when people can be made to suffer like that.如果人们被迫遭受这样的痛苦,那么世上就没有公正可言了。We will stay in this country, as we don't want her schooling to suffer.因为不愿影响她的学业,我们打算留在这个国家。Grief-stricken, he felt he deserved to suffer to the end of time.他极度悲痛,觉得自己应该永远受苦。Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from obesity.素食者患肥胖症的可能性较小。He broke the law, so he has to suffer the consequences. 他触犯了法律,所以要受到惩罚。




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