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词汇 keep on
例句 I want to know if he likes to keep on this house for another month.我想知道他是否想再租一个月这房子。I keep on telling you but you won't listen.我反复对你说过,但你就是不听。They could not keep on running the confectionery.他们不能继续经营这家甜食店了。And I shall keep on asserting my innocence until I take my last breath.我会一直坚称自己是清白的,直至生命的最后一刻。You'll soon go to pieces if you keep on working like that.如果你继续那样工作的话,很快就会垮下来。It's best to keep on the right side of Ben.最好能讨本的欢心。He used to keep on at me about the need to win.他以前总是跟我唠叨必须获胜才行。They keep on muddying the waters by raising other political issues.他们不停地提出其他政治问题,力图把水搅浑。Don't keep on at me the whole time.不要老是对我唠叨啦。He keeps on trotting out the same old arguments.他总是动不动就提出那些同样的老一套论据。If you don't go through the papers on your desk on a regular basis, they just keep on accumulating.如果你不去定期整理办公桌上的文件,它们就会越积越多。Her coach encouraged her throughout the marathon race to keep on running.她的教练在马拉松赛全程鼓励她继续不断奔跑。You keep on amazing me, year after year, the same old ways.你不断地给我同样的惊喜,年年如此。Lucy keeps on about little things that happened in the past until I want to scream.露西对过去发生的小事唠叨个没完,简直要让我尖叫起来。The ceasefire itself could prove stillborn if rebel units in the bush keep on fighting.如果丛林地带的叛军继续开火,那停火协议本身就可能起不到任何作用。People had bought these houses under the illusion that their value would just keep on rising.人们买这些房子是因为他们误以为这些房子会不断升值。The work just keeps on piling up and makes me want to scream.工作不断堆积起来,让我真想尖叫。You've constantly got to keep on at people about that.你总是得没完没了地和别人说那件事。She keeps on and on and I'm really fed up with her.她说起来没完没了,我对她真是厌烦透了。Never keep on exercising if you have even the slightest chest pain.即使你只感到很轻微的胸部疼痛,也不要继续锻炼。If you keep on driving like that, it'll only be a matter of time before you have an accident.如果你老是那样开车,迟早会出事的。If I didn't keep on at the children, they'd never do their homework.要不是我对孩子们反复叮嘱,他们永远不会做家庭作业。She keeps on changing channels.她不停地换频道。It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it.开始时只是爱好,但它让人如此着迷,我只得继续下去。Try to keep on good terms with everyone at your place of employment.在工作单位要尽量与大家友好相处。The car keeps on breaking down.这辆车总是出故障。He keeps on raking over his divorce, when really he should be getting on with his life.他本该重新开始新的生活,可他老是陷在离婚的阴影中不能解脱。My wife keeps on saying that I work too hard.我妻子总说我工作太辛苦了。Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.雷求学期间会在当地的农场干活赚取生活费。We're going to keep on searching until we find her.我们准备继续搜寻,直到找到她为止。How can I explain if you keep on interrupting me?你老是打断我,我怎么解释呢?It takes guts to keep on running even though you have blistered feet.脚起泡后还能坚持跑下去,这需要极大的毅力。The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。Most people just keep on doing the same old same old every day.许多人每天都重复做着同样的事情。Will the train keep on the line?这条路线火车照常开行吗? You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that.你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。Give Tom a mathematical puzzle and he'll just keep on trying till he cracks it.给汤姆一道数学难题,他就会一直解下去,直到解出来为止。If you keep on trying, you'll get better at it.熟能生巧。We'll keep on looking while it's still light.我们会趁天亮继续寻找。If you keep on lifting those heavy weights, you'll do yourself an injury.如果你继续举那些重物,你会受伤的。




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