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词汇 to stand
例句 I prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch.我宁肯当局外人旁观。You've got to be joking if you think I'm going to stand in the rain watching you play tennis!你以为我会站在雨中看你打网球,你准是在开玩笑吧!He could barely summon the strength to stand up.他几乎连站起来的力气都没有了。We had to stand at the back of the stage saying "rhubarb, rhubarb" in the crowd scenes.演到人多嘈杂的场景时,我们都得站在台后模仿“嗡嗡”的嘈杂声。She would be ineligible to stand in the election.她将没有资格参加选举。We had to stand in line for over an hour.我们只好站着排了一个多小时的队。That boy will never learn to stand up for himself if you don't stop babying him.如果你一直对他百般呵护,那么这个男孩永远无法学会保护自己。He has a duty to stand aside from party political campaigning.他的职位要求他不介入党派政治竞选活动。Many birds are able to stand on one leg for hours at a time.许多鸟能单腿一连站好几个小时。You have to stand around a fair bit in this job.做这个工作你得经常站着。The policeman ordered him to stand up and stay put.警察命令他站起来别动。You have to stand up for yourself.你得捍卫自己的权益。The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.沙拉如果提前做好然后放一会儿,味道就会更好。The judge thanked the witness and allowed her to stand down.法官向证人表示感谢并允许她退席。She'd learnt to be herself and to stand up for her convictions.她已经学会了按自己的方式行事,坚持自己的信仰。The photographer asked all the guests to stand still and pose for the wedding photograph.摄影师请所有的宾客站着不动,摆好姿势拍婚礼照。It's time to stand back and take a long hard look at your problems.是时候置身事外并好好反省你自身的问题了。She pointed to me and asked me to stand up.她指着我,请我站起来。The defendant was declared competent to stand trial.被告被宣布可以接受审判。The judge ordered the witness to stand down and dismissed the case.法官命令证人离席,驳回了这个案子。The judge asked the witness to stand down.法官叫证人退席。He claims that the company cheated him, but without evidence of a written agreement, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.他声称公司骗了他,但由于拿不出书面协议作为证据,他这个说法站不住脚。The present leaders have to decide whether to stand down and hand over to a younger generation.现任领导层必须决定是否应退居二线,把重任移交给更为年轻的一代。If you really want to become a lawyer, I'm not going to stand in your way.如果你真的想当律师,我不会阻拦你的。I am too old to stand the racket.我太老了,经不起这种折腾了。There wasn't room to stand up and he had to bend double.空间太小无法站直,他不得不弓着身子。The firefighters enjoined the onlookers to stand clear.消防人员叫围观者让开。I hate having to stand in long lines. I'm just not very patient.我讨厌排长队。我不是很有耐心。It's time for everyone who cares about this issue to stand up and be counted.是时候让所有关心这个问题的人都公开表明态度了。The colonel gave the order for the men to stand to attention.上校命令部下立正。The illness left her too weak to stand up.病痛使她虚弱得站不起来。He's getting too old to stand the racket.他年迈了,已经受不起折腾。She decided to stand as a candidate in the local elections.她决定作为候选人参加地方竞选。It wasn't until we went our separate ways that I learned to stand up for myself.直到我们各自发展,我才学会了为自己说话。A year abroad gives students the chance to stand on their own two feet.出国一年给学生们学会独立生活的机会。The skirts used to be made to stand away from the body before.以前,人们做的裙子下摆都是不贴身的。Despite the criticism, he has continued to stand tall.尽管受到批评,他还是挺直腰杆。I forced myself to stand back and assess the situation.我强迫自己置身事外估计形势。It is only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity.只有褊狭小人才非计较体面不可。It looks like we'll have to stand – there are no seats left.看来我们只能站着 — 没有座位了。




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