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词汇 to soften
例句 He tried to soften the blow by telling her himself.他试图亲口告诉她来减轻对她的打击。You need to soften the lighting.你需要把照明弄暗些。The oil is used to soften and preserve the leather.这种油脂用来软化和保护皮革制品。She is now seeking to soften her image for voters.目前她正着力使自己在选民中的形象变得温和。I felt that he was beginning to soften towards me.我感觉到他开始对我变温和了。Programmes designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.旨在缓解失业打击的计划运行不畅。Air bags are designed to soften the impact for crash victims.气囊是为减缓撞车事故受害人所受冲击而设计的。You're going to see several weeks of an air campaign to soften up the troops.你将看到几周的空战以削弱部队防御。You're trying to soften me up so I'll drive you to Jodie's house, aren't you?你这是想讨好我,这样我就可以开车把你送到乔迪家了,不是吗?His strategy was to soften them up with compliments.他的策略是用恭维话来打动他们。I'm waiting for the ice-cream to soften.我在等冰激凌变软。We wanted to soften the light without destroying the overall effect of space.我们希望在不破坏整体空间效果的同时使灯光柔和一些。He could not think how to soften the blow of what he had to tell her.他不得不把事情告诉她,但又想不出怎样才能把话说得和软些,以减少这件事对她的打击。In spring the frozen ground began to soften.在春天,冻土开始融化。The garden has an informal feel to soften the architectural lines of the conservatory.花园有一种随意的风格,从而使温室的建筑轮廓显得柔和了。There will be no pay rise this year but staff will get one extra day's holiday to soften the blow.今年将不会提薪,但是为了缓和情绪员工将得到额外的一天假期。Flies disgorge digestive fluid onto their food to soften it up.苍蝇将消化液吐到食物上使其软化。If they'd treated you well it was just to soften you up.他们要是对你好,也不过是为了讨好你罢了。The bank may try to soften the blow somewhat with a cut in interest rates.该银行可能会通过降低利率来缓解冲击。Senator Sarbanes expressed concern that programs designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.旨在缓解失业冲击的项目进展得并不太顺利,参议员萨班斯对此表示关切。If the mixture is too hard you will need to soften it.如果混料太硬你就得把它弄软。He tried to soften her up by buying her flowers.他想要通过给她买花来打动她。There were also pledges to soften the impact of the subsidy cuts on the poorer regions.他们还承诺要减轻削减补贴给较贫困地区带来的影响。His face seemed to soften a little.他的脸色看上去变得温和些了。I should try to soften the blow of this news.我应该设法缓解这消息带来的打击。Use artillery to soften up the enemy forces.用大炮来削弱敌军。Management tried to soften the impact of the layoffs by offering early retirement packages. = They tried to soften the blow by offering early retirement packages.管理层试图通过提出提前退休一揽子计划来减少裁员的影响。The material has begun to soften up.这材料已开始变软。Raisins are dipped in boiling water to impart a sheen and to soften the skin.葡萄干被浸入沸水,以增添光泽并使其表皮软化。If your skin is dry and you have to slather on moisturiser to soften it.如果你皮肤比较干燥,就得多涂些保湿霜进行滋润。They used artillery to soften up the enemy's defenses before launching a full-scale attack.在发动全面攻击前,他们用炮火削弱敌方防御。Use moisturizer to soften your skin.使用润肤霜让你的肌肤变柔滑。




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