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词汇 Radio
例句 Radio should enlighten the listener as well as entertain him.无线电广播既要使听众得到娱乐也要使他受到教育。Radio was the pilot's only means of communication.无线电是飞行员唯一的通讯工具。Tune into Radio 5 Live for the latest news and sport.调到电台实况五台收听最新的新闻和体育报道。Radio adaptation of books requires skill.将书本改编为无线电广播节目需要技巧。Radio talk shows have been besieged with callers expressing outrage on the subject.电台的脱口秀节目不断地接到听众打来的电话,对所讨论的话题表示愤慨。Radio contact was established in the nick of time and we managed to transmit a message to the ship.无线电联络在最后一刻接上了,我们设法向船上发送了一份电文。John Humphrys became a top BBC foreign correspondent, newsreader, and co-presenter of Radio 4's Today programme.约翰·汉弗莱斯成为英国广播公司最优秀的外国记者、新闻广播员,以及电台四台的《今日》节目其中一位主持人。Here, listen, they're talking about it on Radio-Paris right now.嘿,听,巴黎电台正在谈论这事呢。Radio phone-ins provide a platform for people with strong opinions.广播电话热线节目为那些持有鲜明看法的人提供了一个发表观点的机会。Radio waves travel at the speed of light.无线电波以光速传播。A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre.安曼广播电台播出的一则声明提及了野蛮入侵和惨无人道的屠杀事件。Radio and television were two revolutionary inventions of the last century.无线电和电视是上世纪两大划时代的发明。Allan Little from Radio 4 took the coveted title of reporter of the year.第四广播台的艾伦·利特尔获得了人人梦寐以求的年度记者称号。She also hosts a show on St Petersburg Radio.她还在圣彼得堡电台主持一个节目。The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition.英国广播电台第二频道的路演将会进行现场直播。Radio towers spoilt the view.无线电发射塔破坏了风景。Radio and television have had an enormous effect on people's lives.广播和电视对人们的生活产生了巨大的影响。If something's a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it.如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出。As a professional composer I owe much to Radio 3.作为一名职业作曲家,我十分感激第三电台。Radio waves are converted into electrical impulses.无线电波被转换成电脉冲。Radio signals were sent into deep space.无线电信号被发送到深邃的太空。Radio stations often get crank calls.电台经常收到神秘电话。Radio personality Don Imus has gotten in trouble again for what he said on the air.电台名人唐·伊穆斯因他在广播中说的话又惹出麻烦来。Radio talk programmes present a distorted picture of public opinion.电台谈话节目呈现的是被歪曲的公众舆论。They listen in to Radio Taipei every day.他们每天收听台北广播电台的节目。Radio networks are being reengineered to give digital operation.无线电网络正被改造成数字模式操作。Radio work for him was very much a sideshow.对他来说电台的工作只是顺便做做而已。Radio traffic has stepped up enormously.无线电通讯已大大增加。Radio One is under siege from all sides.广播一台受到了来自各方的严厉批评。Radio is an important communication medium in many countries.无线电是许多国家的重要通信工具。Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.从该星系中心收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论。Radio Marti is still there, spewing its US propaganda across the waters toward Cuba.马蒂广播电台仍在大放厥词,向古巴越洋播送美国的宣传。I have a telephone interview for BBC Radio Leeds.我要为英国广播公司利兹电台做一次电话采访。And so I wrote in to Radio Brighton.因此我给布赖顿广播电台写了信。You hear his dulcet tones on the Radio 1 trailers in the morning.你在早晨广播一台的新片预告节目中就能听到他悦耳的声音。Radio 1's playlist is dominated by top-selling youth-orientated groups.广播一台主要播放一些面向年轻人的乐团所演唱的畅销曲目。Radio silence may be imposed on other stations during a distress call.在收到求救信号后,其他电台被要求保持电波静默。Radio contact was suddenly broken.无线电联络突然中断了。Radio transmissions were often cut off or unintelligible.无线电传送经常会出现中断或信号模糊。On Radio London they play African and South American music as well as rock and pop.伦敦广播电台不仅播放摇滚和流行音乐,还播放非洲和南美洲的音乐。




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