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词汇 to sit
例句 You can do without a carpet but you've got to have somewhere to sit.没有地毯倒可以,但你总得有个坐的地方吧。Are we just going to sit by and watch them take over the company?难道我们就袖手旁观,眼看着他们接管公司吗?I know it's boring, but we're just going to have to sit it out.我知道这个很无聊,但我们还是要坐到最后。I would like to sit in on one of your classes.我想旁听你一节课。You may prefer to sit on the terrace sipping a cocktail at sunset.你也许更喜欢在日落时分坐在阳台上喝喝鸡尾酒。We are prepared to sit down and talk constructively with our European partners.我们准备坐下来与我们的欧洲伙伴进行建设性的会谈。He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgment.他激烈地争辩说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。He beckoned her to sit but then ignored her.他示意让她坐下,可是过后又不去理她。We had to sit through two hours of speeches.我们不得不耐着性子听完两个小时的讲话。If I have to sit through one more boring meeting, I think I'll scream.要是再让我坐着等这么个无聊的会结束,我非得尖叫不可。Cadets here are taught to always dress neatly and to sit up straight.这里的学员被训练一定要穿戴整齐、坐姿端正。He used to sit at the stern.他过去一直掌权。He stood up and pulled a chair out for me to sit on.他站起身来,拉出一把椅子给我坐。We found a nice patch of grass to sit on.我们找了一小块草地坐下来。This is the chair where the author was wont to sit.这是作者常坐的椅子。We had to sit through a numbing lecture.我们不得不听完一个非常乏味的讲座。Do you plan to sit and mope all day?你打算一整天都闷坐着吗?He was asked to sit on numerous committees.他受邀担任过许多委员会的委员。She likes to sit on the couch eating bonbons.她喜欢坐在沙发上吃夹心软糖。She made a mental note not to sit anywhere near him.她心里牢牢记着不坐在他的附近。He likes to sit outside and sketch.他喜欢坐在外面画素描。He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him.他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。He likes to sit at the front of the bus, near the driver.他喜欢坐在公共汽车前部靠近司机的地方。I've been on my feet all day and I need to sit down for a rest.我已经站了一整天,需要坐下来休息一会了。She patted a place next to her for me to sit down.她用手拍了拍旁边的地方叫我坐下。Both sides are prepared to sit down to long talks.双方都准备进行长时间的谈判。There was a rumour that anyone not attending the demonstration would not be allowed to sit his final examinations.传言说谁不参与示威游行就别想参加期末考试。We got to sit courtside. 我们在靠球场边缘的座位坐下来。She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly.她坐起来,脸部扭曲了一下,然后有气无力地倒了下去。I was able to sit down in front of this magnificent picture and look my fill.我得以坐在这幅壮美的画作前大饱眼福。It is very uncomfortable to sit on these seats.这些座位坐着非常不舒服。I like to sit in bed and read the Sunday papers.我喜欢坐在床上看星期日的报纸。Their actions have forced us to sit up and take notice.他们的行为迫使我们警觉起来。He was the first journalist to sit in parliament.他是第一位担任议员的新闻记者。In a piping but determined voice she ordered me to sit down.她尖声地但却坚定地命令我坐下。She suddenly felt giddy and had to find somewhere to sit down.她突然一阵头晕,不得不找个地方坐下来。She seems content to sit in front of the television all night.看来她愿意在电视机前坐个通宵。You can start the game without me. I'm going to sit this one out.你们玩吧,这一局我不参加了。Several foreign correspondents were allowed to sit in on the hearings.有几名外国记者获准旁听审理。He liked to sit and wonder at all that had happened.他喜欢坐着对发生的一切惊叹不已。




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