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词汇 to settle
例句 We normally give new employees a little while to settle in before we overload them with responsibilities.我们一般给新员工一点时间适应,然后才塞给他们超负荷的职责。When we approached the till to settle up, he reduced our bill by 50 per cent.我们去收银台付款时,他给我们的账单打了对折。She had to settle her aunt's estate after her death.她只得在姑姑去世后将其遗产分了。Not until this turbulent region can shuffle off the burdens of the past will it be able to settle peacefully into the community of nations.只有这个动荡地区摆脱过去的负担之后,才能和平地建立一个民族共同体。She was looking for a chance to settle old scores with her brother.她在寻找机会跟她哥哥算旧帐。He is using his wealth and power to settle old scores.他凭借自己的财富和权力来算旧账。He doesn't want to settle down as a dutiful husband just yet.他现在还不想安心做一个尽职的丈夫。The government hopes to settle the dispute through diplomatic channels.政府希望通过外交途径解决这一纠纷。Unable to settle, she trailed around the house all day.她无法平静下来,一整天都在房子里无精打采地转悠。She's had her fling and now she has to settle down.她放纵够了,现在得安顿下来了。It took a while for the silt and mud to settle.泥沙沉积到水底花了一段时间。We have renounced the use of force to settle our disputes.我们已宣布放弃使用武力解决争端。The band has yet to settle on a name.该乐队还没有确定乐队名称。They need to learn how to settle their arguments without resorting to violence.他们需要学会如何以非暴力手段解决争端。One day I'll want to settle down and have a family.总有一天,我会想安定下来,成个家。I am not prepared to see children in some parts of this country having to settle for a second-class education.我没有料到会发现在这个国家的一些地区孩子们只能接受二流的教育。The groups had historic scores to settle with each other.这两个集团之间有几笔旧账要了结。It took me a week to settle into a routine.我花了一星期时间适应常规。These little details I leave behind for you to settle.这些细节我留给你去料理。The immigrants who came to settle in America were determined people with high aspirations.来美国定居的移民是志向远大、意志坚定的人。We reached the hotel late and had to settle for a room without a view.我们到旅馆时已很晚,只好勉强要了一间看不到风景的房间。He agreed to settle out of court. 他同意庭外和解。Once you've tasted luxury it's very hard to settle for anything else.你一旦体验过奢侈的滋味,就很难将就了。They hoped to settle the matter without recourse to law.他们不希望诉诸法律来解决此事。A referendum was held to settle the issue.为解决这个问题举行了一次公民投票。As soon as the money arrived, I was able to settle up with him.钱一到手我就可以跟他结账了。It will take a while for the political dust to settle.要过一段时间政局才会明朗。She's a traveller at heart. You'll never get her to settle down.她生性喜欢过流浪漂泊的生活,你是不可能让她安定下来的。All efforts to settle the dispute have so far failed.到目前为止,为解决这场争端而作出的努力均告失败。After the excitement I tried to settle myself.激动过后,我设法平静下来。The belligerents were due, once again, to try to settle their differences.预计交战双方要再一次试图解决彼此的分歧了。It was too warm for the snow to settle.天太暖和了,雪都积不起来。She felt she wasn't yet ready to settle down.她觉得自己还没有准备好安顿下来。The weather is expected to settle towards the end of the week.天气预计会在周末时稳定下来。Their stated intention/goal is to settle the dispute quickly.他们公开声明的意图/目的就是尽快解决争端。You have to settle down to study now.你现在得安下心来学习了。The management has made no move to settle the strike.资方没有采取措施解决罢工问题。It enabled its members to settle their differences without recourse to war.这样,其成员就可以不必诉诸战争来解决分歧。It seems impossible to settle these disputes left over by history.解决这些历史遗留下来的争端似乎是不可能的。He may have to settle for a backup role.他可能不得不接受自己只能起辅助作用的现实。




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