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词汇 torrent of abuse
例句 He turned around and let loose a torrent of abuse.他转过身来破口大骂。He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me.他转过身来冲我劈头盖脸地骂了一通。All that pent up frustration gushed out in a torrent of abuse.所有压抑着的失望随着一阵痛骂一下子爆发出来。She poured out a torrent of abuse on him.她把他骂得狗血喷头。Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.希尔对控告他的人破口大骂起来。He overwhelmed me with a torrent of abuse.他那连珠炮似的谩骂骂得我哑口无言。He let out a torrent of abuse, none of it printable in a respectable daily newspaper.他滔滔不绝地骂了一气,没有一句话适合在体面的日报上发表。




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