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词汇 turning
例句 Once you start the process, there's no turning back. 你一旦启动了这个流程,就必须进行下去。Surely nobody would suggest turning him out of the house.当然不会有人建议把他从房子里赶出去。Investment is turning up sharply.投资额急剧上升。Blue jeans are turning well this week.这个星期牛仔裤很易脱手。Rose's hair was already turning grey.罗丝的头发已经开始变白了。Do you mind turning the radio down?你把收音机的音量调低点好吗?He sat at his desk, not a hair out of place, and turning a pencil over in his hand.他坐在书桌旁,外表十分整洁,手里转弄着一支铅笔。Normally, she was a good sleeper, but that night she lay awake, tossing and turning.通常她睡得很沉,可那天晚上她躺在床上翻来覆去,怎么也睡不着。Take the first turning on the right.在第一个拐弯处向右转。He tried to catch the attendant's eye but the man was already turning away.他试图引起服务员的注意,但那人已经转过身去了。He was still turning the idea about when he fell asleep.他入睡时还在反复考虑这个主意。It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.正值初秋时节,树叶开始转黄。Far from taking the huff at players turning pro, the amateur body is actively encouraging those who are good enough.业余协会并没有对那些转为职业选手的队员表示不满,反而一直在积极鼓励那些足够优秀的队员这样做。The tide of the battle was turning in their favour.战局正在朝他们有利的方面转变。Even when she didn't say anything you could see her turning things over.即使她什么也没说,你也能看出她在仔细思考。He had succeeded in turning a minor official in the embassy.他成功策反了大使馆的一名低级别官员。Pitt worked as a medical illustrator before turning to fine art.皮特改行搞美术之前是医学书籍的插图画家。The organization is turning to political agitation in order to achieve its aims.这个组织正通过政治抗议活动来达到其目的。His mind was hyperactive, turning over possibilities, sketching sceneries.他的思想异常活跃。他反复推测各种可能,描绘各种前景。You feel as if you've been tossing and turning all night, and wake up feeling worn out.感觉就像整夜翻来覆去睡不着、醒来时浑身疲惫一样。The company was in debt but is now turning a profit.这家公司曾经负债,但现在赢利了。This victory was the turning point of the campaign.这场胜利是整个战役的转折点。He took his train fare out before turning in the rest of the money.他把火车票款扣除之后将余额上缴。Hollywood is bidding for her, and she is turning them down.好莱坞在争取她,而她却予以拒绝。Country vets aren't easily sickened, but I felt my stomach turning when I saw the state of the dog.乡村的兽医见怪不怪,但我看到那条狗的样子却直翻胃。It proved to be a turning point in his life.这成了他人生的转折点。British car workers did not earn nearly enough money to buy the products they were turning out.英国汽车工人的工资远不足以购买自己制造的产品。Save money by turning the temperature settings up in the summer and down in the winter.通过夏季将温度调至高挡冬季调至低挡的方式来省钱。Mary is afraid that her husband is turning schizo.玛莉担心她丈夫患上精神分裂症。Kathy was turning the corner when one of the front tyres blew.凯西正在转弯,这时车的一个前轮突然爆胎了。Over the years, rain, wind, and sun had corroded the statue, turning the bronze a bright green.这些年来,雨水、风吹和日晒已经侵蚀了这尊塑像,把青铜变成了草绿色。I took the precaution of turning the water supply off first.我先关闭了供水系统,以防万一。She had slept badly, tossing and turning before falling into a fitful doze.她睡得很不好,翻来覆去,后来好不容易时断时续地睡了一会。She really did a number on her old boyfriend, making him beg her to come back and then turning him down.她真的好好治了一下前男朋友,让他乞求自己回心转意,而后却又拒绝了他。He had misread a road sign and taken the wrong turning.他看错路标拐错了方向。They are once more turning the truth upside down and using it to fit their purposes.他们又一次颠倒是非以适应自己的目的。Corbett rode along, turning over in his mind what Bruce had said.科比特骑着车,反复思考布鲁斯的话。By turning down the permit they effectively ended the housing plans.他们拒发许可证,实际上终止了住房计划。I considered turning back, but it was getting late, so I pressed on.我想往回走,但天色已晚,只好继续前行。The people are turning back to natural resources to survive.人们又重新开始依靠自然资源生存。




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