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词汇 杰里米
例句 Jeremy waited anxiously, listening to the ticking of the clock on the wall.杰里米听着墙上的钟声滴答滴答地响,焦急地等待着。Jeremy's passive attitude was hard to fathom.杰里米的消极态度令人费解。I don't know how you all manage to survive on Jeremy's salary.我真不知道你们只靠杰里米的薪水是怎样过活的。Jeremy's good with his hands - he built our kitchen cupboards.杰里米手很巧—我们厨房的柜子是他做的。Jeremy refuses to take chances so he is always at the airport hours before the flight time.杰里米不愿冒险,因此他总是在起飞之前几个小时就到达机场。The make-up woman daubed mock blood on Jeremy.这位女化妆师给杰里米涂了一脸的道具血。Finally, after an hour, I went up to Jeremy's room.一个小时后,我终于去了杰里米的房间。Jeremy is essentially kind-hearted.杰里米本质上是一个善良的人。Jeremy, go smarten yourself up before dinner.杰里米,整理一下自己再去吃晚饭。Discretion is not Jeremy's strong point.小心谨慎不是杰里米的强项。Jaime hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.杰里米把信藏在一叠文件下面。The door sprang open, and Jeremy appeared.门猛地开了,杰里米出现了。Take back what you said about Jeremy!收回你说的关于杰里米的话。I want an explanation from you, Jeremy.杰里米,我需要你解释一下。He went up to Jeremy's room.他上楼去了杰里米的房间。Jeremy shaded his aching eyes, and wished it would rain.杰里米遮着自己疼痛的眼睛,期盼天会下雨。The make-up woman daubed mock blood on Jeremy.那名女化妆师往杰里米的脸上涂抹假血。Jeremy doesn't slum it when he goes away.杰里米出门在外是不会苦着自己的。Cliff and Jeremy are the same age.克利夫和杰里米同龄。Jeremy was not deterred by this criticism.杰里米没有因这一批评而却步。My mind suddenly switched back to my conversation with Jeremy.我的思绪突然回到了与杰里米的谈话上。There has been a noticeable improvement in Jeremy's behaviour lately.杰里米的表现最近有明显的进步。Jeremy felt elated by this sudden and unexpected success.杰里米对这突如其来的成功感到万分欣喜。It wasn't as if she and Jeremy were just casual acquaintances.她和杰里米好像不仅仅是点头之交。Whenever thoughts of his baby daughter enter his mind a smile appears on Jeremy's face.无论何时想起他的小女儿,杰里米的脸上都会出现笑容。Jeremy's leaving the company to move on to higher things.杰里米就要离开公司另谋高就了。Jeremy's voice betrayed little emotion.杰里米的声音几乎不带任何情绪。He's actually called Jeremy, but everyone who knows him calls him Jem for short.他其实叫杰里米,但认识他的人都叫他杰姆,那是他的简称。Jeremy grinned broadly before he remembered himself and assumed a serious expression again.杰里米咧开大嘴笑了笑,意识到自己失态,旋即又摆出一副严肃的神情。Jeremy wants some peace and quiet before his big match.大赛之前,杰里米想要静一静。Whenever thoughts of his baby daughter enter his mind, a smile appears on Jeremy's face.无论何时想起他的小女儿,杰里米的脸上都会露出笑容。Jeremy does play cricket, but very infrequently.杰里米的确玩板球,但次数很少。Jeremy is now at Dartmouth College, where his father also studied.杰里米现在就读于达特茅斯学院,他父亲也曾在那儿学习过。Jeremy excepted, the men seemed personable.杰里米外,那些男人看起来都风度翩翩。Jeremy corded up my trunk.杰里米帮我绑好了行李箱。While in hospital, Jeremy took stock of his life.住院期间,杰里米对自己的生活进行了反思。




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