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词汇 to release
例句 Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.汽车残骸熊熊燃烧,三人葬身火海,救援人员奋力解救被困的司机们。Bay leaves should be broken to release their flavour.将月桂叶捣碎味道才能出来。The rebels promise to release their captives unharmed if their demands are met.叛军保证,如果他们的要求得到满足,被俘的人会安全获释。The hijackers refuse to yield to demands to release the passengers.劫机者拒绝了释放乘客的要求。The hot-air balloon pilot signaled the ground crew to release the ropes.热气球飞行员示意地面人员松开绳索。I personally don't want to release my anger on anyone else.我个人并不想把自己的愤怒发泄在别人身上。Most movies take at least a couple of years from conception to release.大多数电影从构思到发行要一两年。The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time.可以使这些胶囊在预设的时间释放杀虫剂。Take a long walk to release all that pent-up aggression.出去多散散步以消除郁积的好斗情绪。The ability of coal to release a combustible gas has long been known.人们早已知道煤能够释放一种易燃气体。Don't forget to release the handbrake.别忘了松开手闸。It's an unbelievable clanger for the Government to release such a statement.政府发布这样的言论真是个让人难以置信的大错。He's planning to release a solo album.他正在计划出版一张独唱专辑。The rebels promised to release their captives unharmed if the government did as they said.叛乱分子答应,要是政府满足他们的要求,他们会不伤害俘虏并放了他们。We have to release the news before 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.我们必须在明晨五点以前将这条新闻发布出去。He decided to release his claim to property.他决定放弃对财产的要求。Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless, repetitive toil.自动化正开始把工人从机械简单又刻板重复的苦役中解放出来。We plan to release a prototype this autumn for trial in hospitals.我们计划今年秋天在各医院推出一个模型进行试验。We are calling upon the government to release all political prisoners.我们正呼吁政府释放所有政治犯。Police have refused to release the name of the dead man.警方拒绝公布死者姓名。The sky was blackening and making ready to release a deluge.天渐渐变黑,一场倾盆大雨就要降下。Aged men and women are encouraged to leave work before normal retirement to release jobs for younger, unemployed people.老年男女受到鼓励在未到正常退休年限就离职,以将职位让给年龄较轻的失业人员。Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him.一旦确认他并非间谍,他们即同意将他释放。Try to release the clamp gently.要轻轻地把夹钳松开。The government has refused the rebels’ demand to release their leader from prison.政府拒绝了叛军提出释放他们的头领出狱的要求。The court was forced to release him on a technicality.法庭由于技术细节问题被迫释放了他。The committee is expected to release its findings this summer.委员会有望在今年夏天公布其调查结果。They reneged on a pledge to release the hostages.他们违背承诺,没有释放人质。Their appeals to release the hostages fell on deaf ears.他们释放人质的要求未被理睬。The winners will get a chance to release their own single.获胜者将有机会发行自己的单曲。The band plan to release their new album next week.该乐队计划下周发行他们的新专辑。She has to release her frustrations somewhere.她不得不在某个场合发泄她的不满情绪。Fine arts allowed him to release his natural gifts.美术使他得以发挥自己的天赋才能。Google had to release an update for the toolbar.谷歌不得不发布工具栏的更新版。Exercise is a good way to release stress/tension.运动是释放压力/排解紧张情绪的一个好方法。The family made a heartfelt plea to the kidnappers to release their son.那家人真诚地恳求绑匪释放他们的儿子。The government is obliged by law to release certain documents to the public.法律要求政府向公众公开某些文件。The ability of coal to release a combustible gas has long been known.煤炭能够释放一种可燃性气体,这早已为人所知。He still had a lot of pent-up anger to release.他还有很多强压的愤怒要发泄。Some galaxies seem to release prodigious amounts of energy.一些星系似乎释放出巨大的能量。




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