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词汇 to reason
例句 I've tried appealing to reason but she won't agree.我意图晓之以理,但她就是不同意。He's too headstrong to reason with.他固执得难以理喻。We all warned Susan not to marry that man, but she wouldn't listen to reason.我们所有人都警告苏珊不要嫁给那个人,可她就是不肯听忠告。He lost the ability to reason.他丧失了逻辑思维能力。It stands to reason that L.A. will soon have a major earthquake.洛杉矶很快会有大地震是很合情理的。The company's top executives had refused to listen to reason.公司的高层管理人员拒绝理智行事。Friends tried to persuade them to change their minds, but neither man would listen to reason.朋友们都力劝他们改变想法,但是这两个人谁都不听劝告。There was no point in trying to reason this out.试图解决这个问题的一切努力都是徒劳的。He attempted to bring her to reason.他试图使她明白事理。If her friends don't want to go, it stands to reason that she won't want to go either.如果她的朋友不想去,那她当然也不会想去。I have watched parents trying to reason with their children and have never seen it work.我曾经见到家长试图和他们的孩子讲道理,但是从没有见过这招奏效。Man's ability to reason sets him apart from other animals.人的推理能力使他有别于其他动物。If they don't like you, it stands to reason they won't hire you.如果他们不喜欢你,当然不会雇用你。Wait until she calms down. She's far too upset at the moment to listen to reason.等她平静下来。此刻她太心烦意乱,听不进道理的。He is pervious to reason and the logic of facts.他服膺理喻和客观规律。I realized it was useless to reason with him.我知道和他说理是毫无意义的。It is difficult to reason with an obstinate old man.很难和一个顽固的老头子讲道理。His appeal to reason and common sense was what finally carried the day.诉诸理性和常理是他最终取胜的原因。His primary aim was to teach his students to reason.他的首要目的是教学生如何作逻辑思维。That ill-humoured man was not inaccessible to reason.那个坏脾气汉子倒也并非不通情理。He is impenetrable to reason.跟他道理说不通。It is useless to reason with her.跟她讲道理没用。They tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen.他们尽量和他讲道理,但是他不听。Our ability to reason is what separates us from animals.我们的推理能力是我们有别于动物的特征。I tried to reason with him, but even as I started to explain what had happened he stood up to leave.我试图和他理论,可是我刚一开口解释所发生的事情,他就起身要走。It's no use trying to reason with Karen right now; she's in one of her moods.现在和卡伦讲道理没有用,她又在闹情绪了。I tried to reason him out of his fears.我竭力劝说他消除恐惧。It's no use trying to reason with people like that.与那样的人讲理没有用处。We ought to reason why it is harmful to health to eat too much.我们应当论证一下为什么吃得太多对健康会有害。It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back.显然,如果你通情达理,对人友善,那么你肯定会获得更多回报。It stands to reason that he will lose.他显然必输无疑。We appealed to reason to win our argument.我们靠诉诸于理性赢得了辩论。I tried to persuade her, but she just wouldn't listen to reason.我试图说服她,但她就是听不进去。He is good at teaching his students to reason.他擅于教导学生如何推理。No one could make him listen to reason.谁都没法让他听从劝告。Don't try to reason with Paul – you're wasting your breath.不要跟保罗讲理了 — 你是白费唇舌。Smith isn't his real name, that stands to reason.很显然,史密斯不是他的真名。Animals do not have the ability to reason.禽兽没有思维能力。It stands to reason that you cannot find the right person to do a job unless you know exactly what that job is.除非你确切知道那是件什么工作,否则你就无法找到做那件工作的合适人选,这是明摆着的。




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