例句 |
She treated her sons with a great deal of indulgence.她对儿子们非常娇惯。Older parents tend to be more indulgent towards their children.年龄大的父母往往更娇惯自己的孩子。His mother spoiled him, indulging his every whim.他母亲对他纵容娇惯,百依百顺。She was cottoned up in a palace.她曾在宫里受到娇惯。He loves his wife and indulges his sons.他爱自己的妻子,娇惯自己的儿子。You can't wrap (up) your children in cotton wool forever.你不可能永远娇惯自己的孩子。We shouldn't keep him in cotton wool.我们不应对他娇惯过甚。 |