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词汇 got sick
例句 I got sick last week but I'm feeling better now.我上周病了,但现在感觉好多了。He got sick through overwork.他因劳累过度而病倒了。She was on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land when she got sick.她在去圣地朝圣的途中病倒了。My mother has really aged since she got sick.我母亲生病后非常衰老了。They had to junk their vacation plans when their son got sick.儿子生病了,他们只好放弃度假计划。I didn't eat as much of the fish as Al, but I still got sick.我吃的鱼没有阿尔多,但还是生病了。When she got sick her husband became her primary caregiver.她生病时,丈夫就成了她的主要护理人。I got sick of her constant nagging.我对她没完没了的抱怨感到厌烦。She must have got sick and tired of hearing people say that.老是听人说那事她准是厌倦极了。The dog's eyes dulled as he got sick.他生病了,狗也黯然神伤。The workers got sick from radiation exposure.工人们因受到辐射而患病。Lorraine was ready to stand in if Helen got sick.如果海伦病了,洛林准备替换她。He got sick of hanging around waiting for me.他等我都等烦了。In the end I got sick of the conversation and switched off.最后我聊得腻烦了,就闭口不言。




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