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词汇 got through
例句 As soon as I got through customs I jumped into a taxi.我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。She's got through to an interview for her dream job.她进入了她梦寐以求的工作的面试。It was a very difficult time in our marriage, but we got through it.那是我们婚姻中非常困难的一段时期,但我们挺过来了。They got through three bottles of wine with dinner.他们在晚宴上喝了三瓶酒。He got through to the grand final of the competition.他进入了总决赛。He had got through all his money.他把所有的钱都花光了。He got through on the hotline to the head of government in the USSR.他接通了苏联政府首脑的直通电话。The proposal got through the House but couldn't pass the Senate.提案在众议院通过了,但未能在参议院通过。She got through her work at a rate of knots.她很快做完了工作。Although I was worried about the exam, I got through okay.我对这次考试很担心,但顺利通过了。She got through to the final round of interviews.她进入了最后一轮的面试。He got through his driving test last week.他上周通过了驾驶测验。We got through a lot of whisky at the party.在聚会上我们喝掉好多威士忌酒。She studied hard and got through her exams.她努力学习,顺利通过了考试。The sheep got through a gap in the fence.羊穿过了篱笆的豁口。The traffic was quite light so we got through London quickly.路上车不多,所以我们很快就穿过了伦敦。I got through all of my money in less than a month and had to get my parents to send me more.不到一个月的时间我就把所有的钱都花光了,不得不叫父母再寄一点给我。I'd got through piles of work before lunchtime.午饭时间前我翻阅了大量的文件。What a lot of cards you've got through the post!你们收到了多少寄来的贺卡啊!The food got through to the fort despite the enemy's attempt to stop it.尽管敌军企图封锁,但粮食还是运到了要塞。He got through the first round of auditions.他通过了第一轮试镜。She got through her exams without too much trouble.她没有费太大的劲儿就通过了考试。I worked until he got through graduate school and then we started a family.我一直工作到他读完研究生,之后才生孩子。We got through the blizzards to the survivors.我们穿过暴风雪赶到幸存者所在的地方。They quickly got through customs.他们快速通过了海关。When the teacher had got through with her,she felt very ashamed.老师训斥她后,她感到十分羞愧。I finally got through, but it took several minutes.我最终打通了电话,但花了几分钟时间。He got through all the money he inherited in just a few years.他几年时间就花完了继承所得的全部财产。The road was dangerous, but we finally got through.路很险,但我们终于到了目的地。The bill finally got through and eventually became a law.法案最后获得通过并最终成为了法律。We were so pleased when our team got through to the last part of the competition.我们非常高兴我们队进入了最后一轮比赛。All the seeded players got through the first round.所有种子选手都闯过了第一轮比赛。We all got through our examinations.我们考试都通过了。Rescue teams finally got through to the survivors by digging a tunnel.营救小组挖了一条地道,终于到了幸存者的身边。We got through all of the material that we wanted to cover.我们把我们需要的所有材料都准备好了。Liverpool have got through to the final of the FA Cup.利物浦队进入了足总杯决赛。The presenter got through the live broadcast without a fluff.主持人在整个直播过程中没有出现失误。I think my message finally got through.我认为我的意思最终是表达清楚了。Tom got through.汤姆考试及格了。We've got through a lot of tyres.我们用了很多轮胎。




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