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例句 I'll take care of your children while you are away.你不在时我会照顾你的孩子的。She hasn't been taking care of herself and is in poor condition.她一直没好好照顾自己,身体状况很差。Last but not least, you should take good care of yourself.最后但同样重要的是,你要照顾好自己。It's not my job to look after your children.照顾你的孩子不是我的责任。The way that American history is taught may change in order to accommodate some more of those cultures.美国历史的授课方式可能会为了照顾到更多的文化而作改变。Don't worry about the children. They're in safe hands with Monica.别担心孩子们,他们由莫妮卡悉心地照顾着。Helpers are needed to run the book stall and man the bar.需要有人帮忙照看书摊和照顾酒吧生意。Katherine could look after herself and she was nobody's fool when it came to money.凯瑟琳能够自己照顾好自己,她在钱的问题上可不会上当受骗。Nurse Millard will be with you shortly.米勒德护士很快会来照顾你。We have a flexitime system and crèche facilities and like to think of ourselves as a go-ahead employer.我们公司实行弹性工作时间制,还设有照顾员工子女的日托中心,并将自己定位为一家富于开拓精神的公司。He is smart and can take care of himself.他很精明可以照顾他自己。He gave up his job so that he could nurse his mother at home.他辞去了工作,这样可以在家专心照顾母亲。What she felt now was protectiveness towards her brothers, her sister and her new baby.她现在就想照顾好她的弟弟、妹妹和她刚出生的孩子。St Helen's Hospice, which cares for the terminally ill, is holding a special fund-raising week.专门照顾晚期病人的圣海伦安养院正在举办一个特别募捐周。It's better for the sick to be cared for at home rather than in hospital.病人在家里照顾要比在医院里更好一些。We specialize in helping caregivers who take care of relatives in their own homes.我们专门帮助在家照顾亲人的人。They have adapted their house so they can look after their disabled son more easily.他们把房子的结构作了一下改动,这样照顾起他们那个有残疾的儿子来能更容易一些。Some mothers regard work as a welcome respite from the stress of looking after a home and children.有些做母亲的将工作视为令人高兴的暂息时间,能从照顾家庭和子女的压力中解脱出来。Diane had dedicated her life to caring for him to the exclusion of all else.黛安娜一生都在照顾他,对其他一切都无暇顾及。Susan looked after us very well. She's an excellent cook.苏珊把我们照顾得很好,她是个很出色的厨师。He spent many years caring for his senile mother.他花了好多年照顾老态龙钟的母亲。Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.别担心我,我能照顾自己。Please take care of the baby for me for a while, will you?请替我照顾一下这孩子,好吗? Everyone has to look after themselves.每人必须照顾好自己。Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry.凯文到的正是时候,可以照顾哈丽。Dr Gresham is busy at the moment attending to one of his patients.格雷沙姆医生现在正忙着照顾一位病人。It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children.照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。The main thing is to attend to the injured.首要任务是照顾伤者。He is desperate for money/attention/work.他迫切需要钱/照顾/工作。Marina cared for him after he seriously injured his eye several years ago.自从几年前他眼睛严重受伤之后,玛丽娜就一直照顾他。The committee acknowledges that mentally ill people in the community are not receiving the care and treatment they need.委员会承认,社区中有精神病的人没有得到应有的照顾和治疗。Patients don't get proper care.患者没有得到像样的照顾Taking care of three kids really keeps me on my toes.照顾三个孩子真让我不得不打起十二分的精神。I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, so please don't worry about me on that score.我完全有能力照顾自己,因此在这方面请别为我担心。Sheila spent months looking after her sick mother.希拉几个月里一直在照顾她患病的母亲。When both his parents died, the boy was thrown back on his own resources.当父母都去世后,这个男孩不得不自己照顾自己。Although Grandad was very ill in hospital, it was a comfort for us to know he was in good hands.祖父虽然病重住院,但是我们知道他得到很好的照顾,也是一种安慰了。My sister will take care of the dog for us while we're away.在我们外出期间,我的姐姐会帮我们照顾狗。The elderly residents receive an excellent standard of care and treatment.上了年纪的居民享受到一流的照顾和治疗。Retired doctors and nurses were pressed into service to help care for the wounded.退休医生和护士也被召集起来帮助照顾伤员。




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