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词汇 toned
例句 The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.言辞激烈的右翼领袖在会后收敛了他的好战言论。Some companies have toned down the claims on their promotional literature.一些公司已降低了宣传资料中标榜之词的调门。She quickly and efficiently cleansed, toned, and moisturized her face.她快速有效地完成了面部洁肤、紧肤和润肤的过程。The women want toned hips, thighs and bums.女性想要紧实的髋部、大腿和臀部。Excitement toned her voice.激动使她的嗓音都变了。Although it's not strenuous exercise, you feel toned-up, supple and relaxed.虽然这不是什么剧烈运动,但你会感到身体更加结实、柔韧和轻松。She toned down her wardrobe.她改穿颜色柔和的衣服。The flowers toned perfectly with the Mexican rug.这些花和墨西哥地毯非常相配。He'd lost some weight and toned his muscles up.他瘦了些,而肌肉则更强健了。The forecasts have since had to be toned down, as the economy has exhibited unmistakable signs of slowing.经济已经明显现出增长放缓的迹象,对经济的预测也不得不降低了调子。Their muscles were toned by boxing lessons.拳击课程锻炼了他们的肌肉。Low-toned mutterings could be heard in the next room.可听到隔壁房间里传来的低低的咕哝声。The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.那位性子暴烈的右翼领导人在会后把他的激进声明说得和软了些。I felt my letter was worded too strongly, so I toned it down a bit.我感到我的信措辞太强硬,于是就把它改得婉转些。The forecasts have since had to be toned down, as the economy has exhibited unmistakable signs of slowing…该预测不得不在此后放低调子,因为经济已明白无误地显示出放缓的迹象。Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress.玛格丽特公主穿那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。




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