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He turned down the corner of the page to mark his place.他向下折起书角来表示读到的地方。Your job is to mark the centre-forward.你的任务是盯住中锋。A firework display was organized to mark the Queen's birthday.为庆祝女王生日而组织了烟火表演。He was careful to mark his place before he shut the book.合上书以前,他小心地作了记号。Your paper was well-written, but I had to mark it down for being late.你的论文写得不错,但由于交晚了,我不得不给你打低分。She had a large pile of scripts to mark.她有一大堆的答卷要改。When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划分出行来。Shiny wooden surfaces tend to mark very easily.光亮的木质表面很容易留下划痕。You can sell it to them at a set wholesale price, allowing them to mark it up for retail.你可以以固定的批发价出售给他们,这样他们可以提高零售价格。This speech appears to mark a change in government policy.这一演讲似乎表明政府政策有所改变。Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war.昨天的投票似乎标志着战争中的某个转折点。We put some tape on the floor to mark where the tables should go.我们在地板上贴一些胶带标示出桌子该放的位置。A ceremony was held to mark the occasion.举行了一个仪式来庆祝这个盛会。I turned down the top corner of the page to mark my place.我把那页上角折下来记下了位置。Cats may spray to mark their territory.猫通过撒尿来标记领地。Be careful not to mark the table.小心别在桌上留下印痕。Male cats spray to mark territory.公猫以撒尿标记自己的地盘。They held a spectacular firework display to mark the new millennium.他们举办了一个壮观的烟花表演庆祝新千年。They presented him with a watch to mark his retirement.他们送给他一块手表作为退休纪念。Use a bookmark to mark your place.用书签标出你读到的地方。A bell goes to mark the end of each class.每堂课铃响就表示下课。About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day.大约三千人举行了集会以纪念国际人权日。I’m in the habit of turning back the corner of the page to mark my place.我习惯折书角来表示读到的地方。I was aware that I would be expected to perform a solemn ceremony to mark the event.我知道,人们期待我用一场隆重的典礼来庆祝这件大事。Be careful not to mark the floor with your shoes.小心不要在地板上留下你的脚印。Many diplomats attended a naval review to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.很多外交官参加了在战争结束周年纪念上举行的海军阅兵式。They held a parade to mark the soldiers' return.他们举行了游行庆祝士兵凯旋。Final preparations are under way for celebrations to mark German unification.纪念德国统一的庆典活动正在做最后的准备工作。He put a slip of paper in his book to mark his page.他在书中夹了一张纸片,表示他读到了那一页。They held celebrations to mark the anniversary of Mozart's death.他们为莫扎特逝世举办周年纪念活动。He used a rope to mark off the circle.他用一根绳子把这个圆圈划分出来。A thanksgiving ceremony was held to mark the occasion.举行了一个感恩仪式以示庆贺。I've got a pile of exam papers to mark.我有一大堆考卷要评阅。The move seemed to mark a major change in government policy.这一行动标志着政府政策的重大改变。I have a stack of papers to mark.我有一堆试卷要批改。They have got a pile of exam papers to mark.他们有一大堆试卷要打分。The president made a radio broadcast to mark the end of the war.总统发表广播讲话庆贺战争的结束。I have to mark up the pages and send them back to the printer.我必须在各页上标注好说明,然后送回印刷厂。I'd like everyone to mark their progress on the chart every week.我希望每人每周将自己的进度标在图表上。 |