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词汇 to lower
例句 The school district worked on ways to lower the rate of nonattendance among its students.这个学区从多方面努力来降低学生的缺课率。He had hoped to become a doctor, but he had to lower his sights after his disappointing exam results.他原希望成为一名医生,但令人失望的考试成绩迫使他降低目标。One way around the problem of poor sales is to lower prices.解决销量不佳的一个办法就是降价。We couldn't afford to lower our guard until all the security checks had been carried out.各项安全检查没有全部做完以前,我们不能放松警惕。We've had to lower our expectations for the festival. 我们不得不降低对此次节日庆典的期望。She is on medication to lower her cholesterol. = She is on medication to lower her cholesterol level. 她在服用降胆固醇的药。The doctor told me to sponge Erik down with cold water in order to lower his temperature.医生告诉我用冷水给埃里克擦身,以帮他降低体温。We applaud the decision to lower taxes.我们赞同减税的决定。Garrett believes the new system will allow him to lower prices and provide improved service to customers.加勒特相信这个新系统将帮助他降低价格并为客户提供更好的服务。A combination of diet and exercise can help to lower your cholesterol.节食加锻炼对降低胆固醇有帮助。The President promised to lower income taxes, and he's been as good as his word.总统曾许诺要降低所得税,他也的确那样做了。The money could simply go into the public purse, helping to lower taxes.这笔钱可以直接划入公共资金,帮助降低税收。We need to lower the mirror in the bathroom.我们要把浴室中的镜子放低些。Simple alterations in lifestyle can help to lower blood pressure.生活方式的简单改变有助于降低血压。A supermarket price war has led to lower profit margins.超市价格战导致利润率降低。The Bundesbank is under pressure to lower interest rates.德国央行正受到压力要降低利率。The government is taking deliberate action to lower prices.政府正在采取降低物价的慎重措施。Researchers found that high levels of neuroticism were linked to lower life expectancy. 研究者发现高度神经过敏症与低预期寿命有相关性。Although it would cut into profits, we were forced to lower our prices.尽管降低价格会减少利润,但我们还是不得不这样做了。The overproduction of oil caused the fuel companies to lower their prices.石油生产过剩导致燃料公司纷纷降低价格。The ANC could not afford to lower its guard until everything had been carried out.非洲人国民大会在所有事项皆已完成前不敢有丝毫松懈。The drug is used to lower blood pressure but may have the reverse effect in some patients.这种药是用于降血压的,但对有些病人也许会起反作用。Economies of scale enable the larger companies to lower their prices.规模经济使得大公司可以降低产品价格。The company is trying to lower costs and improve efficiencies.公司正打算降低成本,提高效率。For some reason he felt constrained to lower his voice.不知怎么的,他感觉不得不压低声音。Their promise to lower taxes is clearly an election-year gambit.他们降低税收的许诺很显然是大选年的策略。The salesman dug in his heels and refused to lower the price any further.销售员寸步不让,拒绝把价格再降低一点。The government had to cut its coat according to its cloth in order to lower taxes that year.那一年政府为了减税只能量入为出。They used slings of rope to lower us from one set of arms to another.他们用吊索把我们从高处的一组吊臂上放到低处的另一组吊臂上。We have to lower our expenses.我们得减少开支。He was forced to lower the rent of his house.他被迫降低房租。The government rejected the plan to lower taxes.政府拒不考虑减税的计划。At last the government has decided to lower interest rates, but I think they've let it go too long.政府终于决定调低利率,但我认为已经为时太晚。Her promise to lower taxes may have swung the presidential election.她的减税承诺可能改变了总统选举结果。These days the shopper has the whip hand, and will not buy if stores fail to lower their prices.如今购物者占主导地位,如果商店不降价,他们是不会买的。Meditation tends to lower or normalize blood pressure.冥想有助于使血压降低或恢复正常。The President may step in and take action to lower energy prices.总统可能会介入并采取措施降低能源价格。The Chancellor is looking to lower interest rates, when economic conditions permit.经济条件允许时,财政大臣准备降低利率。The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.政府打算降低进口汽车的关税。Maintaining immune function after surgery may contribute to lower tumour recurrence rates.手术后保持免疫功能可能有助于降低肿瘤再发率。




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