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词汇 to lead
例句 The attack failed to lead to any deep penetration of enemy territory.那次进攻没能深入敌区。MacGregor believes it is unhealthy to lead a life with no interests beyond politics.麦格雷戈认为生活中只对政治感兴趣而没有其他爱好是不正常的。She always tried to lead a virtuous life.她总是想过道德高尚的生活。Whom will they choose to lead them?他们会选谁来领导他们呢?Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.最后,你的孩子会离开家,作为一个完全独立的成年人过她自己的生活。It's a ball for a time, but it's no life to lead.在一段时间内那是种愉快经历,可是不能长期过那种生活。They often have a lonely and solitary life to lead.他们常常过一种独居的孤独生活。Barbara has kindly volunteered to lead the session.好心的芭芭拉主动提出来主持这次会议。This novel is likely to lead teenagers astray.这本小说有可能把青少年引上邪路。I was asked to lead the meeting mainly because Kristin is out of town.他们让我来主持会议主要是因为克里斯廷出城去了。He was able to lead a normal life, despite the illness.尽管有病但他还可以过正常的生活。His visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations.人们期待他的出访会恢复外交关系。She continues to lead a respectable life.她继续过着体面的生活。Film stars and models seem to lead glamorous lives in comparison to ordinary folk.与普通人相比,电影明星和模特儿们的生活似乎很光鲜。He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner.他决定和爱人一起过一种更加安定的生活。His speech is bound to lead to some disagreement, but I think most people will accept it.他的演说必定会引起一些不同意见,但我觉得大多数人会接受的。The prince was renowned for his bravery, and chose to lead his troops in person.王子以勇敢著称,决定亲自领兵上阵。He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house.他牵着迪康的手把他领进屋。He wanted to lead into another question.他想引到另一个问题上去。Our country continues to lead the world in scientific discoveries.我们国家在科学发现上继续处于世界领先的地位。Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young children.众所周知,接触铅对幼儿的大脑有害。I asked Ned to lead the discussion.我叫内德来主持这次讨论。If the operation succeeds, Carly will be able to lead a normal life.如果手术成功,卡莉将能过上正常的生活。She had a feeling she already knew where this conversation was going to lead.她觉得自己已经知道这次谈话寓意何在。Rush questioned his credentials to lead the group.拉什对他领导该团体的资格表示怀疑。He's been chosen to lead the delegation to the conference.他被任命为参加此次大会的代表团团长。You might want to lead us on to switch back.你只不过是想诱导我们回到老路上去。Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support.你的孩子最终将长大成人,完全独立,离开家过自己的生活,不过在此期间她会靠你帮助。They are banking on Williams to lead the team to victory.他们指望着威廉姆斯带队赢得胜利。I was privileged to lead the team.我有幸可以领队。The operation should enable Bobby to lead a normal life.这次手术应该能让鲍比过上正常的生活。I went with my gut and chose Sarah to lead the team.我听从了直觉,选择莎拉领导队伍。Worrying about your weight is more likely to lead to low self-esteem.对体重的担心更有可能导致自尊心低下。He had nursed an ambition to lead his own big orchestra.他一直有一个梦想,希望能指挥一支自己的顶级管弦乐队。The President was now reviled by the same party he had helped to lead.如今谩骂总统的正是他曾经协助领导的政党。They both retired and went off to lead an easy life in the Bahamas.他们两个都退休了,一起到了巴哈马群岛过安逸生活去了。She has courageously continued to lead a fulfilled life.她一直勇敢地坚持着充实满足的生活。He must prove his worthiness to lead the country.他必须证明自己能够领导这个国家。They have chosen to lead celibate lives.他们选择独身生活。The Prime Minister had invited the President to lead off the press conference.首相请总统为这场新闻发布会作开场发言。




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