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词汇 取下
例句 He eased the stamp off carefully.他小心翼翼地把邮票取下There are some tasks which are your responsibility. For instance, it's up to you to dismantle furniture and take down curtains.有几件事情你来负责,如拆家具和取下窗帘由你来决定。The handle is detachable from the bag.手柄可以从包上取下来。In a self-service store, the customer takes goods from the shelves for himself.在自助商店里,顾客自己从货架上取下需要的商品。She made us take down all the posters.她让我们把所有的招贴画都取下来。Gil rose and went to his bookcase and took down a volume.吉尔站起身,走到书架跟前,取下一本书。I left the key in the lock.我把钥匙留在锁上,忘了取下来。He forgot to take the lens cap off the camera.他忘了取下相机的镜头盖。She took a magazine from near the top of the stack.她从一摞书靠顶的地方取下一本杂志。You'll need to unscrew the cover before you remove it.你要先拧下螺丝才能取下罩子。He picked the book off the shelf.他把书从架子上取下来。He pulled dusty candlesticks from the shelf.他把落满灰尘的烛台从架子上取下来。He blinked at her, then removed his glasses and began polishing them.他眯着眼睛看看她,然后取下眼镜擦起来。A good way to get a stamp off an envelope is to soak it off.从信封上取下邮票的一个好办法是把它弄湿后揭下。I need to take down those curtains and bring them to the dry cleaner's.我得把这些窗帘取下来拿去干洗。Can you unhook that cable?请你把绳索从钩子上取下来好吗?He took off the old handle and fixed a new one in its place.取下旧手柄,换上一个新的。I pulled down a book from an upper shelf.我从书架上层取下一本书。He unpinned her hair, stroking it down over her shoulders.取下她头发上的夹子,用手捋顺使其披在她肩膀上。Abel took the bag off him and peered inside.埃布尔取下他的包,仔细地往里面看。Remove the circuit fuse before beginning electrical work.开始电工作业之前取下电路保险丝。I had trouble getting the wriggling fish off my hook.我很难把不断挣扎的鱼从鱼钩上取下来。Surgeons inserted a metal plate in the arm and grafted around it some small pieces of bone taken from the hip.外科医生将一块金属板嵌入手臂,然后在其周围移植了一些从髋部取下的小块骨头。They removed the picture from its wooden frame.他们把画从木镜框中取下来。She took the clip out of her hair.她把发夹从头上取下来。He moved round, pulling books off shelves.他转过身去,取下架上的书。I can't get this ring on/off my finger.我无法戴上/取下这个戒指。Can you remove the bulb and replace it with an energy-efficient one?你能将那个灯泡取下来换上一个节能灯泡吗?She took the top off the jar.取下罐子盖儿。He went to the bookcase and took down a volume.他走到书橱边,取下了一册书。She reached behind her and unhooked her bra.取下了门闩。Simon lifted a weighty volume from the shelf.西蒙从书架上取下一本厚重的书。He took a dictionary down from the shelf.他从书架上取下一本词典。The picture having been taken down, it left a great blank on the wall.照片取下后墙上留下一大块空白。Now that the sale is over someone needs to take down the notices.既然减价活动结束了,得有人去把通告取下来。This jacket has removable sleeves/a removable collar.这件夹克的袖子/领子可以取下She took the books down from the shelf.她从书架上把书取下来。I managed to disentangle the kite, which had become caught in the branches of a tree.我设法取下了缠在树杈上的风筝。He lifted the box carefully down from the shelf.他小心地从架子上取下那个盒子。She took off his bandages with gentle fingers.她动作轻柔地取下他的绷带。




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