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词汇 to hurry
例句 Petter saw no reason to hurry the divorce along.彼得认为没有必要加速离婚进程。We had to hurry to meet/make the deadline.我们得抓紧赶在最后期限前完工。Elizabeth disappeared into the crowd and Donald had to hurry after her.伊丽莎白消失在人群中,唐纳德只得赶紧追上去。We need to hurry or we'll miss the bus.我们得快点,要不然就赶不上公共汽车了。All I wanted was for those people to hurry up and leave.我只想那些人快点做完离开。Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath; otherwise, they'd miss their train.富兰克林告诉豪赶快去洗澡;否则他们会赶不上火车。There's plenty of time. We don't have to hurry.有的是时间,我们没必要着急。We have to hurry. There's no time to lose. 我们得快一点儿,没时间耽搁了。There's no need to hurry. Take your time. 不着急,慢慢来。When she finished work she had to hurry home and look after her son.她下班后就得赶紧回家照顾儿子。He didn't hurry, because to hurry would have let his satisfaction have rein.他不慌不忙,因为一急忙的话就不能尽情享受心满意足的愉快了。She had to hurry to keep up with me.她不得不加快脚步来追上我。We'll have to hurry.我们必须赶快了。We have plenty of time, there's no need to hurry.我们有足够的时间,不必匆忙。I did not feel the slightest inclination to hurry.我没有丝毫着急的意思。Can you help me to hurry along the economic accusation ?你能帮我快一点儿处理一下这桩经济讼案吗?The President attempted to hurry the process of independence.总统试图加快独立的进程。He left before I did so I had to hurry to catch him. 他在我之前走的,所以我得快点去赶上他。I hate to hurry you, but I have to leave in a few minutes.我不想催你,但是我几分钟之后就得走了。His consciousness of the urgency of the situation encouraged him to hurry.他意识到情况紧急,这促使他加快脚步。She had to hurry home and look after her son.她得赶紧回家照顾儿子。There's no need to hurry. We've still got bags of time.不用着急,我们还有很多时间I've made it a rule never to hurry.我已养成凡事从容不迫的习惯。The quarterback was forced to hurry his throw.四分卫被迫匆忙抛球。She trod gingerly. It would be risky to hurry.她小心谨慎地走着,走急了会有危险。We must leave here in good time so as not to have to hurry.我们必须早点离开此地,免得着忙。 She told the taxi driver to hurry and jumped in.她一头钻进出租车,告诉司机快开车。Peter saw no reason to hurry the divorce along.彼得觉得不必急着离婚。I hate having to hurry a meal.我讨厌匆匆忙忙地吃饭。Take your time. There's no need to hurry.慢慢来。不必着急。There was no longer any reason to hurry.再也不用着急了。Try to hurry them up a bit.想办法让他们快一点。Somebody needs to hurry them up so we can leave.得有人去催他们一下,这样我们才好动身。He honked to hurry me up down the stairs.他鸣汽车喇叭催我赶紧下楼。There's no need to hurry. We've got plenty of time.不必着急,我们有的是时间。We're trying to hurry things on a little.我们在想办法加快一点速度。Is there anything we can do to hurry this process along? 我们能做点什么加快这个进程吗?No need to hurry – you've got plenty of time.没必要急匆匆的,你有充足的时间。I have to hurry. I'm running late. 我得抓紧时间。我要迟到了。Tell him to hurry up.叫他抓紧点。




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