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词汇 suspicious
例句 Call the police if you see anything suspicious.发现可疑情况就报警。Officials are suspicious about her death.警官对她的死表示怀疑。A woman kept prisoner in a basement was rescued after suspicious neighbours tipped off police.觉得情况可疑的邻居们报警后,被囚禁在地下室里的一名女子获了救。There's something a bit suspicious about this.这件事有点可疑。There were one or two suspicious looks from nearby.附近有一两个人投来怀疑的目光。The circumstances of his death are suspicious.他死亡的情形十分可疑。Colleagues became suspicious when he failed to report for duty.他没有报到上班,同事们产生了怀疑。He did not want Pollard to become suspicious that he was now onto him.他不想让波拉德怀疑他已察觉到其不轨行为。Nottingham police last night found what they described as a suspicious package.诺丁汉警方昨晚找到了他们声称的可疑包裹。His acceptance of a huge loan from a shady businessman looks suspicious to say the least.他从一个不可靠的生意人那里接受了一笔巨额贷款,这事最起码可以说是可疑的。The activist died under suspicious circumstances while he was in police custody.该名活跃分子被警察拘留期间死亡,死因可疑。Wish them good luck, but don't overdo it or they may become suspicious.祝他们好运,但别太殷勤,否则他们会起疑心。I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I'd be getting from you if we started whispering together.要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。The police zeroed in on the suspicious man.警察的注意力集中在那个可疑分子身上。I find it very suspicious that he left halfway through the morning.他上午中途离开,我感到非常蹊跷。I started to get suspicious when I found a hotel bill in Sarah's pocket.我在萨拉口袋里发现了一张旅馆账单,就起了疑心。The dog is suspicious of strangers. 这只狗对陌生人很警觉。Her excuse sounded suspicious to me.她的借口令我生疑。I have a duty to report anything suspicious to the police.我有责任向警方报告任何可疑的事。The local people were suspicious of me because of my somewhat unusual lifestyle.我有点与众不同的生活方式使当地人对我感到怀疑。He died under suspicious circumstances. 他死得很可疑。His manner made me suspicious.他的举止使我觉得可疑。Consumers are becoming more suspicious of advertising claims about products that they buy.顾客对他们所购买的产品的广告宣传越来越怀疑。Ellen's husband has a very suspicious mind.埃伦的丈夫非常多疑。We're going to have to get our story straight or the cops will be suspicious.我们必须统一口径,否则警察会怀疑的。Airport officials became suspicious when the man tried to check what they describe as a conspicuously heavy bag.那名男子托运行李时引起了机场人员的怀疑,他们说他的旅行袋非常重,惹人注意。Parents have every right to be suspicious of what the experts tell them.父母有权质疑专家对他们说的话。Police are not treating the death as suspicious.警方没把这一死亡作为可疑死亡处理。The stock market crash made me suspicious of those types of insurance schemes.股票市场的价格暴跌使我对那几种保险计划产生了怀疑。From our end it looks pretty suspicious.从我们这方面看,这事看来很可疑。Before they could engineer an escape, they had to be sure that none of the guards were suspicious.他们策划逃走之前,首先得确定没有卫兵怀疑他们。There was a suspicious-looking man standing in a doorway across the street.有个看上去可疑的男子站在街对面的门口。They had been alert and watchful, but had seen nothing suspicious.他们一直小心警惕,但没看到什么可疑之处。I'm suspicious of the government's intentions.我怀疑政府的意图。The main plot revolves around a suspicious death.主要情节围绕着一个可疑的死亡事件展开。I have a naturally suspicious mind.我天生多疑。The officials we met in the capital looked suspicious and tense, as if they were expecting us to declare war on them.我们在首都会见的那些官员看上去满腹疑虑并且很紧张,好像以为我们要对他们宣战似的。Older people tend to be more conservative and a bit suspicious of anything new.上年纪的人往往很保守,对任何新的东西都有些怀疑。Some of the local people are suspicious of foreigners.当地民众中有些人不信任外国人。She had been involved in several suspicious transactions.她已参与了几宗可疑的交易。




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