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词汇 皇家
例句 The newspaper led with the royal birth.这家报纸把皇家新生儿诞生作为头条新闻刊登。His previous girlfriend was a dancer with the Royal Ballet.他的前女友是皇家芭蕾舞团的舞蹈演员。The following year she joined the Royal Opera House.次年她加入了皇家歌剧院。The Palace will not comment on questions about the family's private life.王室不会就有关皇家私生活的问题发表任何评论。As an RSPCA Inspector, I've dedicated my life to animals.身为皇家防止虐待动物协会督察员,我一生致力于动物保护事业。Her royal/ceremonial regalia was quite impressive.她的皇家/庆典服饰令人印象深刻。The BBC has a Royal Charter.英国广播公司有皇家特许状。The RSPCA is a respected body working for animal welfare.皇家防止虐待动物协会是一个致力于维护动物福利的受人尊重的团体。The RSA course in teaching is a recognized professional qualification.皇家艺术学会的教师培训课程是公认的专业资历。The Royal Shakespeare Company scored a runaway success with `Richard III'.皇家莎士比亚剧团演出的《理查三世》大获成功。They are members of the Royal family.他们是皇家成员。Touching the Queen was a breach of royal protocol.触碰女王是违反皇家礼仪的。The prima ballerina with the Royal Ballet dances in the classical idiom.这位皇家芭蕾舞团的头牌女演员跳的是具有古典风格的舞蹈。He's a fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.他是皇家特许测量师协会的会员。Blair will be speaking to an invited audience at the Royal Academy.布莱尔将在皇家艺术院对应邀而至的观众发表讲话。It was brilliant to hear George Harrison in concert at the Royal Albert Hall last week.上周在皇家艾伯特厅听到乔治·哈里森的现场演出真是太棒了。He's a dancer in the Royal Ballet.他是皇家芭蕾舞团的舞蹈演员。She later became a principal with the Royal Ballet.她后来成了皇家芭蕾舞团的主要演员。Real Madrid summoned a press conference to formally announce that Jorge Valdano will take over as coach next season.皇家马德里俱乐部召开新闻发布会,正式宣布从下一赛季起由豪尔赫·巴尔达诺担任教练。He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians.他是皇家内科医师协会的成员。He was consultant rheumatologist at the Royal Hampshire Hospital.他是皇家汉普郡医院的风湿病学顾问。Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen.圣詹姆斯皇家饭店的厨师们为女王烹制了菜肴。The Birmingham Royal Ballet has had a highly successful season.伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞团这一季的表演获得了巨大的成功。The Royal Bank provided finance for the project.皇家银行为此项目提供了资金。Although largely inactive, the Royal Nepal Army has been kept up to strength.尽管大部分军人属预备役,尼泊尔皇家军队仍然实力强大。The Theatre Royal is one of the oldest playhouses in Britain.皇家剧院是英国最古老的剧院之一。I spent an enjoyable evening at the Theatre Royal.我在皇家大剧院度过了愉快的一晚。Corporal Andrew Satchell ceremonially rolled up the flag of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.安德鲁·塞切尔下士按照仪式卷起皇家燧发枪手团的旗帜。The RSC was calling a press conference to announce the theatre's closure.皇家莎士比亚剧团要召开新闻发布会,宣布剧院关闭。A photographic exhibition opens at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday.星期三一个摄影展在皇家艺术学院开幕。Here in the dining hall the cooks dish out chicken à la king.在餐厅这儿厨师们把皇家奶油鸡装盘。They went out a lot, to the Cafe Royal or the The Ivy.他们常常出去玩,一般是到皇家咖啡馆或者常春藤那里。The RAF was formed by an amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.英国皇家空军由皇家陆军航空队和皇家海军航空队合并而成。She's in the National Theatre Company.她是皇家国立剧团的演员。All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices.所有的皇家轿车都装有电子自导引装置。The street was decked with flags for the royal wedding.为了庆祝皇家婚礼,人们用旗子装饰街道。Some of the royal forests had become valueless as hunting grounds.有几片皇家森林再不能当狩猎场用了。The RAC is calling for rest areas spaced at regular intervals on major roads.皇家汽车俱乐部呼吁:交通主干道上的休息区应均匀分布。Oswald was much admired by his contemporaries at the Academy.奥斯瓦尔德在皇家艺术学会中很受同时代人的敬仰。Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company.事业刚起步的时候,她在皇家卡尔·罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手。




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