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词汇 to flow
例句 One day seemed to flow into the next.时光一天天地流过。Refugees continue to flow from the troubled region.难民继续从受害地区涌出。Money tends to flow to businesses that are succeeding.金钱总是流往生意兴隆的企业。Money is nervous and tends to flow to places that offer a safe haven.资金是游移不定的,总是向着保险的地方流动。Eventually the roads cleared and the traffic began to flow again.道路终于变得畅通了,车辆又开始流动起来。She opened the faucet and the water began to flow freely.她打开水龙头,水就哗哗流出来了。Imported food aid continued to flow in.国外的救济食物源源不断地涌入。A subterranean stream is believed to flow underneath the town.据认为这个镇下面有地下小河流过。For work to flow smoothly, proper preparations must be made.为了使工作进展顺利,必须进行适当的准备。Her tears began to flow more freely.她的眼泪开始更加肆意地流淌。Money has continued to flow in.钱源源不断地涌入。The new one-way system should help the traffic to flow better.新的单行道系统应该有助于使车流更加畅通。The contact must be maintained for the current to flow.电路必须保持接通才会产生电流。Money tends to flow to businesses that are succeeding.金钱总是流往成功的企业。Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled region into the no-man's land.大批难民不断从骚乱地区涌入无人地带。Office politics just seem to flow over him.同事之间相互勾心斗角的事似乎并没有涉及他。




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