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词汇 arguing
例句 Don't waste your breath arguing with him.不要白费口舌和他争论了。She's become so dogmatic lately that arguing with her is pointless.她最近很教条,和她争论毫无意义。Let's not waste time arguing over petty details.我们不要浪费时间讨论这些微不足道的细节问题。They were arguing about the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons.他们在争论核武器的威慑效果。They continued arguing long after everyone else had gone to bed.其他人都睡了后,他们还吵了很长时间。A couple of drunken sailors were arguing with a policeman outside the bar.几个喝得醉醺醺的水手在酒吧外跟一个警察争吵。They seemed to be continually arguing.他们好像不停地吵架。It's no use arguing. She's made up her mind and that's that.争辩是没用的。她已经打定主意,情况就是这样。They're arguing again, and I'm piggy in the middle.他们又吵起来了,我真是左右为难。Will you two never stop your eternal arguing!你们俩永远也争吵不完!I always tried to remain neutral when they started arguing.他们争论起来的时候我总是努力保持中立。Too much of my time is spent arguing with customers.我太多的时间都花在和顾客讲理上了。Two Egyptians were arguing outside the room, their voices loud and guttural.两个埃及人正在屋外扯着嗓门粗声粗气地争吵。His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial.他的律师正在提出理由说明他不适合出庭受审。When Mom left the room, we continued arguing.妈妈离开房间后,我们继续争吵。They are arguing over a point of principle.他们正在就一个原则问题争论。She had to act as a buffer between the two brothers, who wouldn't stop arguing.她不得不在争吵不休的两兄弟之间扮演调解人的角色。I'm not arguing in favor of cannabis. I'm just saying we should be careful of overreaction.我并非是在为赞成吸食大麻而争辩,我只是想说我们应该小心不要反应过激。His expression is as earnest when he smiles as when he is arguing.他不论笑的时候还是争论的时候表情都同样真诚。I had a devil of a job arguing him into doing it!说服他干这件事我费了多少口舌啊!A man at the head of the line was arguing with the sales lady.排在最前面的那个男人正跟女售货员吵架。There's no point in arguing over something so unimportant.争论这样的小事毫无意义。There was a lively debate on the message boards, with many posters arguing against the plan. 在留言板上辩论很踊跃,许多发帖人反对这项计划。Neither of them will give way, so they could be arguing for a very long time.他们两个谁也不会让步,所以他们会吵好长时间。They were arguing over piddling amounts of money.他们在为一点小钱争吵。At least if they're arguing, they're doing you the courtesy of being interested.如果他们在争论,那至少是他们出于礼貌向你表示感兴趣。He argues for the sake of arguing.他是为争辩而争辩。They're constantly arguing and picking at each other.他们经常吵架,互相挑刺。There's no percentage in arguing with them. They'll never change their minds.和他们争论没用,他们绝不会改变想法。Our neighbors were arguing again last night. They were going at it hammer and tongs.昨晚我们的邻居又吵架了,吵得很凶。No arguing. You're big boys now.别争吵啦,你们都是大孩子了。The two of them sitting in their office were arguing this point.他们两人坐在办公室里讨论这一点。They are still arguing, would you believe it?他俩还在争论不休,你能相信吗?Two lovers were arguing on a street corner.一对情侣正在街角争吵。I went to the meeting with the best of intentions but we still ended up arguing.我满怀好意去参会,但最后我们还是吵了起来。Sometimes I play devil's advocate for the sheer fun of arguing.有时我纯粹是为了享受争论的乐趣而故意唱反调。It's unproductive to waste time arguing.浪费时间争论是徒劳的。My kids spend more time arguing over the rules than they do playing the game.我的孩子们玩这个游戏的时候,争论玩法的时间比实际玩的时间还要多。It was sad to see them arguing.看到他们争吵真叫人心里难受。We could hear them arguing in the next room.我们听到他们在隔壁房间里争论。




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